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The characteristics of an oligarchy include the act that the power is held in a very small group of people. The people in an oligarchical society usually have no say in what happens.

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1w ago

An oligarchy is characterized by power and influence held by a small group of people, often based on wealth, social status, or military control. Decision-making is concentrated in the hands of the few, leading to unequal distribution of resources and limited political participation among the general population. Oligarchies may suppress dissent and maintain control through manipulation of institutions and regulations.

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What are the different forms of government that can be seen in the world?

Different forms of government around the world include democracy, monarchy, dictatorship, theocracy, and oligarchy. Each form has its own unique characteristics and structures of power and authority.

What is a bad thing about an oligarchy?

A bad thing about an oligarchy is that power is concentrated in the hands of a small group of people, leading to potential inequality, limited representation for the broader population, and reduced accountability of those in power.

Who ruled Oligarchy?

In an oligarchy, a small group of individuals, often wealthy or powerful, hold political control. This group can consist of aristocrats, military leaders, or other elite members of society. Decisions and policies in an oligarchy are typically made by this select few rather than the broader population.

What is financial oligarchy?

Financial oligarchy is a system where a small, elite group of individuals or institutions control a large portion of a nation's wealth and influence its economic policies. This concentration of wealth and power can lead to inequality, corruption, and disproportionate influence over government decisions.

How were oligarchy and aristocracy similar?

Oligarchy and aristocracy were similar in that both were forms of government where power was concentrated in the hands of a few individuals or families. In an oligarchy, power was usually held by a small group of wealthy or well-connected individuals, while in an aristocracy, power was typically held by a hereditary ruling class of nobles or elites. Both systems often limited political participation to a privileged few and could lead to inequality and social unrest.