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In public policy and power, elite-based theories speculate that the state is really controlled or directed by a small group of individuals, the elite. In pluralistic theories, public policy and power are seen as spaces where competing interests communicate and negotiate their desires.

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2d ago

Elite theory posits that society is ruled by a small group of elites who hold the majority of power and influence. Pluralist theory, on the other hand, argues that power is dispersed among various groups in society, and decisions are made through negotiation and compromise between these groups. Both theories offer different perspectives on how power operates in society.

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9y ago

Elite theory is said to be the theory of the state of which a small member of the of richest members of the population control the country, despite the results of the election. This government is usually called an aristocracy or an oligarchy.

Pluralist is said to be the system of which every member of the country participates and can influence decision-making in the government. Often, this government type is called democracy.

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Q: What are the elite theory and pluralist theory?
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How does pluralist theory relate to democracy?

Pluralist theory emphasizes the presence of multiple groups in society with competing interests. In a democracy, pluralist theory suggests that these groups can influence policy-making by competing for attention and resources through various channels, such as elections, lobbying, and advocacy. By allowing multiple groups to participate and voice their concerns, pluralist theory helps to ensure that democracy remains inclusive and responsive to diverse interests.

Who believe that interest groups further democracy by broadening representation within the system?

Supporters of pluralist theory believe that interest groups further democracy by allowing diverse voices and interests to be represented within the political system. They argue that interest groups help to balance power among different groups and prevent any one group from dominating decision-making.

How do Elite and Mass Political Cultures differ?

Elite political culture refers to the attitudes, beliefs, and values of the political elite, such as policymakers and influential individuals, shaping decision-making processes. In contrast, mass political culture represents the attitudes, beliefs, and values of the general public. Elite political culture influences policy formation, while mass political culture impacts public opinion and political participation.

The theory that states that governments developed from family ties is the?

The theory that states governments developed from family ties is called the "patrimonial theory." This theory suggests that early rulers maintained power through family lineage, passing down leadership roles and maintaining control within a particular family group.

What was the slave elite called in the Safavid empire?

The slave elite in the Safavid Empire were known as the Qizilbash. They were Turkic tribal warriors who played a significant role in the military and political affairs of the empire.

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Which theory of government states that a large group of people hold power?

In sociology and political science, elitist theory of government argues that power is held by a small group of people. Elite theorists included Elmer Eric Schattschneider, Thomas R. Dye, and James Burnham.

An important idea of pluralist theory is that?

The main idea of the pluralist theory is defined by who is running the government. Pluralist theory says that a group of people run the government instead of just one person.

What does the pluralist theory states?

the state in which there is democracy is simply called a pluralist state.

Is the US elitist theories or pluralist theories?

Type your answer here... pluralist is the best example of American gv't but elite also wiorks some stages

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Who holds power according to the pluralist theory?

many groups of people

The type of theory of power that argues that many people have access to power is a?

Pluralist theory of power argues that power is dispersed among many different groups in society, with no single group having total control. It emphasizes the presence of various competing interests and groups influencing decision-making processes.

The type of theory of power that argues that many people have access to power is what?


The theory that argues that group competition results in a rough approximation of the public interest in public policy is?

Pluralist Theory

What is hyper-pluralist theory?

many groups are so strong that government is unable to act.