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The breakdown of international relations may be brought about by a lack of clear communication. Treating other countries with contempt or disrespect may also cause a breakdown in international relations.

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1d ago

Several factors contribute to the breakdown of international relations, including political differences, economic conflicts, territorial disputes, human rights violations, ideological clashes, and competition for resources or power. Additionally, breakdowns can occur due to miscommunication, lack of trust, historical grievances, and failure to find common ground or compromise. Overall, a combination of these factors can lead to tensions between countries and ultimately result in strained or severed diplomatic relations.

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Q: What factors had contributed to the breakdown of international relations?
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What is historical materialism in international relations?

Historical materialism in international relations is a theoretical framework that emphasizes the role of economic factors, especially class relations and material conditions, in shaping international politics and relations between states. It argues that the global political system is fundamentally determined by economic structures and relationships, such as the distribution of wealth and power among states. This approach seeks to analyze how economic interests influence states' behavior in the international arena.

Which of the following statements best describes a shortcoming of the constructionist view of international relations?

A shortcoming of the constructionist view of international relations is its potential lack of emphasis on material factors such as military power or economic strength, which are crucial in shaping states' behaviors and interactions in the international system. Constructionism focuses more on how social constructs influence international relations, potentially overlooking the tangible power dynamics that play a significant role in shaping global politics.

What statements best describes a shortcoming of the constructivist view of international relations?

A shortcoming of the constructivist view of international relations is its potential to overlook the role of material factors, such as economics, military power, and geography, in shaping international outcomes. Additionally, constructivism's emphasis on ideas, norms, and identities may not fully account for systemic constraints or patterns in international relations. Lastly, constructivism's focus on social construction and agency may lead to overlooking the role of power dynamics and interests in shaping world politics.

What are the differences between realism and neo-realism in international relations?

The main difference between the two is in their view of the causes of conflict in international relations. Classical realism puts an emphasis on the self-interested and unchanging human nature which therefore makes states self-interested and power seeking units. Neo-realism, on the other hand, argues that the conflict in international relations can be explained by the state of anarchy: lack of overarching authority in IR which pushes individual states to seek power (self-help system).

How were the international relations during the inter war period?

International relations during the interwar period were characterized by a breakdown of the traditional balance of power system, the rise of aggressive nationalism, and the failure of the League of Nations to prevent conflict. The Treaty of Versailles and economic instability fueled resentment among defeated powers, leading to territorial disputes and the eventual outbreak of World War II.

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