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China is the country that uses the most electricity from hydro dams. With a large number of hydroelectric power plants, China generates a significant portion of its electricity from hydropower.

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Q: Which country uses the most electricity from hydro dams?
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Is hydro electricity sustainable?

Yes because hydro-electricity relies on turbines which need to be turned round. In most cases, it is made from dams(made on rivers), which relies on water passing through it to turn the turbines.

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Which province has the most hydroelectricity?

Ontario has most hydro-electricity.

How does New Zealand make most eclectricity?

Hydro Electric Dams, Geothermal, Wind Power

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What country has the most dams?

It is China

What is hydroelectrity?

When water (Hydro) falls down through the turbine blades of an electricity generator, the blades are made to spin. The blades are connected to a shaft, which is connected at the upper end to the armature of a large generator, which produces electricity. Most, if not all, hydroelectricity is produced in tall dams on rivers. Examples include Hoover Dam in Nevada, and Grand Coulee Dam in Washington. The electricity produced in dams is no different from electricity produced in other ways.

Where is the most effective area for hydro electricity?

Wet climates with mountains.

What is the most common source of alternate energy?

The most common source of alternative energy is solar power, which involves converting sunlight into electricity using photovoltaic cells. Solar energy is abundant, renewable, and environmentally friendly, making it a popular choice for clean energy production worldwide.

What is electricity made by water called?

Water Electricity is electricity obtained from hydropower. Most hydroelectric power comes from the potential energy of dammed water driving a water turbine and generator. Less common variations make use of water's kinetic energy or undammed sources such as tidal power. Hydroelectricity is a renewable energy source.

Why is hydro power better for the earth?

Hydro-power is the cleanest source of energy. It is powered by the force of flowing water which turns the generator to generate electricity. Considering the amount of CO2 released in the atmosphere and its consequential global warming effects, Hydro Power is considered safest, cleanliest and most favour form of generating power. Even the UNFCCC provides highest credit for Hydel Projects.

What is the second richest country in Water Wesources?

Nepal is the Second Richest Country (after Brazil) in Water Resources.The water has the capacity of generating 83,000 mega watts of hydro power potentiality but Nepal only utilizes 2 percent of hydro-electricity of its total production capacity. Also, Nepal has most costly Electricity all over the world.