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Democracy was basically started off in Athens during the Classical Period (c.478-336 BC) in the city state (polis). Athenian democracy can be traced back to the reforms of Solon (584BC) who was a political leader and poet. He introduced a 4 stage citizan class system based on agriculture. Citizens qualified by virtue of birth and by landownership. Basically the more land you owned the more power you had, and only property owners could hold office in the public service during the time of Solon.

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13y ago
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14y ago

in 1859 b.c

Athenian democracy was developed in the Greek city-state of Athens, comprising the central city-state of Athens and the surrounding territory of Attica, around 500 BC. Athens was one of the very first known democracies. Other Greek cities set up democracies, and even though most followed an Athenian model, none were as powerful, stable, or as well-documented as that of Athens. It remains a unique and intriguing experiment in direct democracy where the people do not elect representatives to vote on their behalf but vote on legislation and executive bills in their own right. Participation was by no means open, but the in-group of participants was constituted with no reference to economic class and they participated on a scale that was truly phenomenal. The public opinion of voters was remarkably influenced by the political satire performed by the comic poets at the theatres.[1]

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3mo ago

The first democracy in Greece was created in Athens to give citizens a voice in the government, promote equality, and ensure that decisions were made collectively by the people rather than a single ruler or elite group. It aimed to foster a sense of civic participation and empower ordinary citizens in the governance of the city-state.

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9y ago

Democracy started in anicent GREECE, pacifically in Athens. This happened when a tyrant was taken out of poweer by the people... They decided to vote on things, any man could go and vote and the needed atleast 6000 voters. ( This took place at the acroppolis.) With black or white stones. Rich or pooor when were premittedf to voice thiewr opion or make speeches

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14y ago

Democracy is a form of government where ruling power is in the hands of the people--The people ofGreece Athens especially,(Athens was the place democracy originated in Greece) began to oppose the rule of tyrants. The main group in their democracy was the "citizens assembly" which included around 5,000. men. which revised and approved laws and the conduct of higher officials. All decisions were made through debates and votes. Other parts of the democracy, the "council" were responsible of day to day evens in the city-states. Unlike democracies now, there was not a president of Athens.

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10y ago

Democracy was started by the people of Greece. Originally, the democracy was a direct democracy. That meant that any man could vote and have a choice in the rulers and laws.

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11y ago

people would convine and openly discuss and vote for elections also oligarcy limited the power to few people

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14y ago

I think that the first democracy in Greece was created to make laws, provide services, and keep order.

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12y ago

The 6th century bc (500 bc)

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The first democracy was created in Athens, Greece.

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im sorry , did you mean what are three contributions of Greece to democracy? if so, it was Athens, (not all of Greece) who created democracy.

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