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Q: Did nationalists want to fight for Britains in World War 1?
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Nationalists want home rule?

Yes, nationalists want home rule. They believe that a nation will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively. For them, the world is comprised of its states and towns. No outer country is allowed to intervene with their national issues. In the modern world, nationalists also believe in spreading the influence in other countries. They do not want their nation to become a part of the world. On the contrary, they want to make the world a part of their nation. Many countries believe in this concept. Terrorism and terrorists believe in this concept too. Whenever you listen to or read a news about terrorism.. one common thing about them is that they want to spread the influence of their country/sect or religion/community over the world. In other words they want their race to rule the world. They want a new world order( this refers to the Illuminati's point of view). They want to reinforce the idea of Alexander the great- Ruler of the world.

What should you do on Britains Got Talent?

whatever you want, as long as you have a tallent

What did Arab nationalists in the middle east want in world war 1?

Most Arab Nationalists in this period wanted a uniform Pan-Arab State across the Levant, Mesopotamia, and Arabia. They were disappointed by being given numerous smaller kingdoms.

What do you do when somebody you know is in a fight do you break it up or chant fight fight?

Why in the world would anyone want to see a friend in a fight. Be a peacemaker; we have too few peacemakers in the world.

What did nationalists in Austria want to do?

They wanted to split the empire.

What nationalists want in a new American government?

A strong central government

What happened to the nationalists who fought againct Mao?

they withdrew to Taiwan to keep their Republic of China as People's Republic of China became to the dominance of the world; that's why Western World, especially Americans think Taiwan is an independent country, because they want to seperate it from China as Nationalists control the island and Communists control mainland.

Quotes that hilter made or admire?

Here's one for you. "Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live."

What did Irish nationalists want after Ireland and Britain joined to form the United Kingdom?


What did Italian nationalists want in the 1800?

To unify the regions in Italy

Whom did conservative nationalists want to rule Italy?

A federation were states are ruled by a pope

What Happened to people who did not want to fight in the World War 1?

i think they will kill them