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it was sweet :)

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jessie was here yay 2-1-12

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Q: What were three positive effects of European imperialism in Kenya?
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What were the negative and positive effects of imperialism on Kenya?


Is Kenya a European country?

No, Kenya is a country in Africa.

What was it like in Kenya BEFORE imperialism?

Seeing as that was over a hundred years ago, who do think is going to answer. Before Imperialism they had no written history.

Which European country was the colonial ruler for Kenya?

Kenya was ruled by Britain.

Was Kenya a European colony?


How does tourism affect aspects of Kenya society?

tourism effects kenya in the respect that if they did not have tourism kenya would not be how it is today

When did European control Kenya?

in the 1883 -1960

Who discovered Mount Kenya?

The European discovery of Mount Kenya was made by Johann Ludwig Krapf.

When did the European country take over Kenya?


What European power ruled Kenya?

United Kingdom.

What European country did Kenya gain its independence from?

Kenya gained independence from Great Britain.

What were the positive and negative effects of imperialism on Latin America?

The positive effects would now in hindsight be seen as subjects for much debate. But at the time the new colonies - mostly in Africa - were seen as places where especially Great Britain, France, Germany and Belgium could bring 'civilization' and Christianity, that could provide them with raw materials, that could be a market for their products and that would generally add to the glory and respect that these European countries commanded. The negative effects were at the time, that the so-called 'race for Africa' caused friction between European countries. Another negative effect was caused by the randomly drawn borders of newly created African countries which did take little or no account of tribal relations and tensions. Moreover, the European rulers often favored members of minority tribes to help them govern the countries, which, after independence, led to tribal tensions and bloodshed when other tribes also wanted a share of power: think of the Hutu-Tutsi struggles in Rwanda or the tensions between the Kikuyu and other tribes in Kenya. In the middle east, European imperialism led, on the one hand, to economic development (Saudi Arabia before 1930 was mostly empty desert, peopled by nomadic tribes living from breeding and selling camels and income from hajj pilgrims to Mecca) but also to the tense relations that still exist between countries like present-day Israel, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Iran.