the government... it's like Dictatorship except the citizens have to share their possessions and land with the other citizens.
Marxist theory holds that communism evolves, inevitably, from capitalism.
God holds world power.
Tens of thousands of pro-communism protesters were killed by the military Dictatorship in power
The 1917 October Revolution in Russia was the first time that Communism came into power.
Depending on your political position, you could argue that the creation of communism brought its demise. Or, to be kinder to communism, the people promoting communism were using "communism" as an excuse to grab power. So it was just a dictatorship running its course.
Poseidon holds the pwoer of water wich his brother Zues holds the power of lightning
it is that they are finish
What? Communism has never been developed in a country before
The dictator has all the power.