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Some people find the parties to seem the same because they lack the courage to stand up for issues

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Q: Why is it difficult to tell the difference between the Democrat and Republican parties?
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What is the difference between Independent vs democrat vs republican?

A republican is usually more conservative...then a democrat.

What is difference between republican and democrat in kid lingo?

i dont exactly kno alot but i do know that republicans are against abortions and democrats are free life.

What are the diffence between democrat and Democrat?

A Democrat is a member of the Democratic Party, a democrat is someone who generally believes in principles of democracy. A democrat can be a Republican. That is someone who embraces the concept of democracy can be a member of the Republican Party. In fact, it is quiet likely that Republicans are democrats, as opposed to being Monarchists for example.

What is the differeneces between Democrat and republican for Social Studies?

A democrat is part of the democratic party. They are for poor people, and other nice factors. A republican is also a person of the republican party. They are unwilling to help the poor, and other factors.

Can you use Republican in a sentence?

Every four years there's a debate between the democrat runner up and the republican runner up.

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At the moment there is a recount in progress, because the vote difference between Republican Tom Emmer and Democrat Mark Dayton. Dayton is ahead of Emmer by just 1,000 votes.

What are the three main difference between a democrat an a republicanc?

There is one main difference between a Democrat and a Republican, and it can be summed up with two presidential quotes. Ronald Reagan, a Republican president, once said "Government is not the solution to our problems, government is the problem." Bill Clinton, a Democratic president, once said "Democrats do not believe government can do everything, but we believe there are some things it must do." (Those might not be the EXACT words they said, but they're close if they're not dead on.)

What is the ratio between democrat and republican in Alabama's legislature?

Democrats have 84 legislative seats and republicans have 56.

Is Savannah guthrie a republican or a Democrat?

Savannah Guthrie is Democrat

Why was democrat Woodrow Wilson able to win presidential elections during an era Republican Party control?

Republican support was divided between two candidates

How did the split between the incumbent president and the former president influence the outcome of the election of 1912?

The Republican vote was divided between Taft and Roosevelt, which allowed Democrat Woodrow Wilson to win. Similar outcomes occurred in 1992 and 2000.

Who was the only democrat president between 1897 and 1933?

Woodrow Wilson was the Democrat who slipped in the White House in 1912 when Republican ex-President, Theodore Roosevelt, ran against the Republican incumbent, Taft, and split the Republican vote. He an Taft together had more than enough votes to win.