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Although Jung's psychology has been seriously criticized for lack of empirical evidences to support his theories, modern Jungian analytical psychology school exist nowadays and Jung still remains one of the most influential psychologist in history.

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Memories, Dreams, Reflections was published in 1963.

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No. The Red Book drawings detail symbolically Jung's journey through what he called the darkness of midlife.

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How would Carl Jung explain myths?

Carl Jung believed myths came from the collective unconscious. It is the level of the unconscious which contains universal human archetypes that we were born with.

What were carl jungs views on depression?

The major focus of Jung's later work, was on the "darkness of midlife". This is a time when many, not just those who are depressive by nature, fall into a midlife funk. He viewed the work that the alchemists did, as attempts by them to push their minds back to a "normal" way of functioning.