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Stress and depression are medically known to reduce male sperm count and male fertility as well as female fertility. But there are other things that can cause it.

Depression and anxiety can cause loss of appetite. And it could be your loss of appetite which is affecting your sperm count too, as your body obviously needs to feed itself in order to produce it.

Medication is available for depression and anxiety as is counselling.

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1w ago

Yes, prolonged stress, depression, and anxiety can impact physical health, including reproductive function and appetite. Chronic stress can disrupt hormone levels, which may lower semen count, and can also affect appetite regulation, leading to a decrease in appetite. It's essential to seek support from a healthcare professional to address these concerns and find appropriate ways to manage stress and improve overall well-being.

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Q: Could being under a lot of stress depression and anxiety the past five months be a reason for reduced semen count and low appetite?
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Symptoms of PTSD can include flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety or panic attacks, avoidance of triggers, negative changes in thinking and mood, and heightened reactivity. These symptoms can persist for months or years after the traumatic event.

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