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Freud was the pioneer of the Psychoanalytic approach. He was amongst the first to identify a deeper level of processing in the mind. He argued that many experiences could accumulate in this sub-conscious level of thought, and that these would later affect our thoughts without us directly knowing about them or their influence. The answerer before me claimed that Freud introduced the Id and the Ego here, which is an easy mistake, but these are actually products of the unconscious mind, according to Freud.

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Yes, all of his experiments were focused towards subconcioous wants and dreams.

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Q: Did Sigmund Freud focus on the subconscious?
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When was psychoanalysis invented?

It was created in the 1880s by Sigmund Freud.

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Sigmund Freud believed that human behavior is governed by the unconscious mind.Human sexual behavior is a complex mix of subconscious urges, human instinct, cultural expectations and individual upbringing. Which of these dominates behavior in any given situation depends on the variables linked to the situation.

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No, Sigmund Freud is not single.

How tall was Sigmund Freud?

Sigmund Freud was about 5'7"

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Sigmund Freud

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