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conversion disorder

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Conversion disorder is a mental health condition where a person experiences physical symptoms that have no medical explanation, such as paralysis or blindness, which are believed to be caused by psychological stressors. Symptoms may be temporary or ongoing and can significantly impact daily functioning. Treatment may involve psychotherapy to address the underlying psychological issues.

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Q: Disorder characterized by serious temporary or ongoing changes in functions such as paralysis or blindness which are triggered by psychological factors?
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When the release of ACh is blocked the result is?

When the release of acetylcholine (ACh) is blocked, communication between nerve cells and muscles is disrupted, leading to muscle weakness or paralysis. This can cause symptoms such as difficulty moving, breathing, or swallowing, depending on which muscles are affected.

How do you paralyze your self?

Intentionally paralyzing oneself is extremely dangerous and should never be attempted. Paralysis is a serious medical condition that can result from spinal cord injuries or neurological disorders, and seeking help from a medical professional is important if experiencing such symptoms. Please reach out to a healthcare provider if you have concerns about paralysis.

What is it called when you can't laugh or smile?

The inability to laugh or smile is known as facial paralysis or facial numbness, which can be caused by various medical conditions such as Bell's palsy or stroke.

What is the disease in which legs become paralyzed?

One common disease where the legs become paralyzed is Guillain-Barre syndrome, which is a rare disorder where the body's immune system attacks the nerves. This can lead to muscle weakness and, in severe cases, paralysis. It is important to seek medical attention if you experience these symptoms.

How can anger and fear be both helpful and harmful emotions?

Anger can be helpful as it motivates action and can protect us from harm, but it can also be harmful when it leads to aggression and damages relationships. Fear can be helpful by alerting us to potential danger and keeping us safe, but it can be harmful when it leads to paralysis and irrational decision-making.

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Pseudoplegia is a medical condition characterized by the false appearance of weakness or paralysis, typically due to psychological or functional factors rather than organic disease. It is important to differentiate pseudoplegia from true paralysis through thorough assessment, which may involve neurological exams and imaging tests. Treatment often involves addressing the underlying psychological or functional issues contributing to the pseudoplegia.

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Which condtion is characterized by paralysis and is often fatal?

Guillaiin-Barre Syndrome, for one. However, there are quite a few conditions that can cause paralysis and often be fatal.

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Guillain-Barre' Syndrome

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