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Because they are used to waking up at the time the alarm clock sates they just wake up because they know they have to. (i think)

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Q: How do people wake up before their alarm goes off?
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What is a way to stop yourself from going back to bed after turning your alarm clock off?

This is what i do. Set it 10 min before you regular wake up because the ringing annoys me and i have to check the time and wakes me up a little. Or if you have a cellphone have the scariest thing as your ringtone. So when u wake up youll jerk up wide awake when u hear ig

What causes people to wake up irregularly in the night?

Sleep apnea is a common cause. You can't breathe, so your brain wakes you up to correct the problem. Alcohol can be a cause. It depresses the brain and puts you to sleep, but when it wears off it has messed up your normal sleep cycle. Urinary blockage can be a cause, especially in older men. They can't empty their bladders before going to bed, so they have to get up in the middle of the night. General stress and anxiety can wake you up, too. You brain is thinking about stuff all night, so you wake up to worry about it some more.

Why do people jerk when they're sleeping?

the reason why we jerk when we sleep it is your mind telling you you have stopped breathing so your body kinda scares you to wake up so you will start to breath again.

Is it bad to wake up early in the summer for no reason?

No It Not Bad To Wake Up Early In The Summer No Reason Because I Do It Sometime. When I Do It Be Mad So I Just Found Something To Do

Why when im sleeping sometimes you cant move or open your eyes?

When you can not move or talk when you wake up from a dream is that you have a demon may be holding you down or sitting on top on your chest watching you sleep. When they do that and your sleeping and you can't move is because while your sleeping they are actually talking to you evil things that make you dream crazy things and when you wake up you just feel some feeling really negative and you just can't move but the best thing to do is pray before you go to sleep and when you wake up with that problem when you can't talk or move pray in your mind because they can't hear what you have in your mind but god do

Related questions

Why don't people wake up when their alarm clock goes off?

Sometimes people are too tired to wake up,

Can't wake up when the alarm goes off when sleeping?

That usually means that you aren't getting enough sleep, before the alarm goes off. Try going to bed a little earlier.

What time does a film producer wake up?

Probably when the alarm goes off.

Why is the alarm clock important?

alarm clock is important to wake people up. when they sleeping they need to wake up early or late they use it.

How do clocks wake us up?

Clocks wake us up by setting off an alarm which goes off at what time you desire.

Why are alarm clocks bad?

they wake you up before school and its sad and i need a lie in

What is an alarm clocks purpose?

Its purpose is to wake people up from sleep or to warn them it's time to do something.

How do you wake up at 7am in the morning without a alarm?

well you have to use an alarm for about 21 days the stop using the alarm and youll wake up naturally in the morning cause you will have been used to it by then.

How can you wake up early with not much sleep?

To wake up early without much sleep, be sure to set an alarm. When the alarm goes off, take some deep breaths, stretch, open the curtains for some light, and take a shower. Caffeine can also help you to get your day started.

How can I prevent my child from wetting the bed?

Most children grow out of the bed wetting problem, but it can be a frustrating problem until that happens. Don't allow your daughter to drink liquids within two hours of bedtime. Make sure she goes to the bathroom right before she goes to bed. Before you go to bed, you could wake her and have her go to the bathroom, or you can set an alarm clock to wake her so that she can use the bathroom. There is an alarm that a child can wear to bed that will go off as soon as it detects moisture, so you may want to look into that too if the other suggestions do not solve the problem.

Why do people buy alarm clocks?

Most people purchase alarm clocks as a method to wake up or to alert them of some other time during the day. However you don't have to use the alarm part, you can just use it as a time telling device.

How do you wake an adult up?

To get an adult to wake up you put on some lound music on .Put there alarm on and that will wake them up.