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your child is acting like a three year old because he/she is 3...they are curious and want to do things on their own...and they usually won't take no for an answer...but i know what worked for me and that is to compromise...if you won't eat your peas then you get no desert...that doesn't work but maybe if you say eat three peas, b/c that's how old you are, and give an incentive that is visual at the ready then it might work...what ever you do...don't listen to ANYONE who wants to medicate your child, which will be suggested when your child hits kindergarten...say no...tell them to deal with your child's personality...that is all it is, a personality...let it his/her energy towards something that your child might enjoy, like swimming, karate, football, Ballet, just a suggestion...i have three kids...two turned out successful, one is a herion addict...he was the one the teachers wanted on Ritalin...biggest mistake i have ever made...if you research, children on Ritalin or aderall or any kind of ADD meds... are most likely to be an addict....don't make the mistake i made...let your child bounce off the walls, take things apart...that is their with it...find your own solutions....compromise, make deals...give praise...but punishment is necessary as well...good luck

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2w ago

To stop a 3 year old from misbehaving, it's important to set clear and consistent boundaries, redirect their attention to a different activity, offer positive reinforcement for good behavior, and communicate calmly and firmly with the child about why certain behaviors are not acceptable. It's also helpful to try and understand the underlying cause of the misbehavior, such as tiredness or hunger, and address those needs proactively.

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How freud theories can apply to a 3 year old child?

Freud's theories, such as the Oedipus complex and development of the ego, can be applied to a 3-year-old child by understanding their early experiences and internal conflicts. For instance, the child may exhibit behaviors related to resolving the Oedipus complex by identifying with the same-sex parent. Understanding these dynamics can provide insights into the child's emotional and social development.

What does it mean when a 3 year old child has a seizure and then rocks back and forth everyday?

Repetitive rocking behavior after a seizure in a 3-year-old child could be a form of self-soothing or coping mechanism. It's important to consult with a pediatric neurologist to evaluate if there are any underlying medical conditions or developmental concerns contributing to the behavior. Behavioral therapy and support may also be beneficial for the child and family.

What is the attention span of 19-year-old?

The attention span of a 19-year-old can vary, but on average it is around 10-20 minutes for sustained focus on a task or activity. Factors such as interest level, environment, and individual differences can also influence their attention span.

A two-year-old child receives a vaccination from a nurse in green scrubs at the clinic. After that she begins to cry whenever she sees a green shirt. What was the original unconditioned stimulus?

A two-year-old child receives a vaccination from a nurse in green scrubs at the clinic. After that she begins to cry whenever she sees a green shirt. The vaccination/shot was the original unconditioned stimulus.

Can a 9 year old become famous?

It is possible for a 9-year-old to become famous, especially through talent shows, social media platforms, or acting/modeling opportunities. However, it is important to consider the impact of fame on a child's development and ensure they have proper support and guidance.

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i have no money that's why i am on here

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