

I need help I can't focus.?

Updated: 11/22/2022
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11y ago

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I need help too , help us first year.

You may have a medical problem. See your doctor. If you don't have a medical problem then you are just allowing yourself to be distracted. Cut the distractions out of your life. Turn off the television. Exercise self discipline.

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Q: I need help I can't focus.?
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Does wearing uniform help you focus in school?

Wearing a school uniform can help some students focus by reducing decision-making on what to wear each day and promoting a sense of belonging and equality among students. However, the impact on focus may vary depending on individual preferences and attitudes towards wearing a uniform.

When you use a relaxation technique that involves creating mental pictures that calm you down and focus your mind you are using?

visualization or guided imagery. This technique involves imagining peaceful scenes or scenarios to help reduce stress and promote relaxation. It can help shift your focus away from negative thoughts and emotions.

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Child psychologists focus on understanding and addressing the emotional, cognitive, and behavioral development of children. They help children navigate challenges such as trauma, anxiety, and learning disorders through therapy, assessment, and intervention techniques tailored to the needs of young clients.

How can school uniforms help with discipline?

School uniforms can help with discipline by promoting a sense of equality among students, reducing peer pressure to wear certain clothing, and minimizing distractions related to fashion and appearance. When everyone is dressed similarly, it can create a sense of unity and focus on academic work.

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It's important to be yourself and treat your schoolmate with kindness and respect. Building a friendship and getting to know them better can help create a connection over time. However, you can't force someone to fall in love with you, so it's important to focus on being genuine and letting things develop naturally.

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