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In classical conditioning, the conditioned stimulus will trigger the conditioned response. It is also referred to as respondent conditioning.

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Q: In classical condotioning the conditioned stimulus will trigger the?
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Minimum level of stimulation required to trigger a neural impulse?

An action potential needs to occur to trigger the neurons but the action potential depends on whether a stimulus is able to bring the membrane potential to a certain level termed the THRESHOLD. This threshold is about -55 mV for most neurons, but the stimulus needs to bring the membrane potential to this certain level or it will not be triggered. Relating to the ALL-OR-NONE PRINCIPLE, which if the threshold is not acquired then an action potential will not occur but once a stimulus is strong enough to depolarize (making the inside of the cell less negative going from -70 mV to -55 mV) it will trigger. The resting potential is -70 mV which the stimulus needs to bring it up to -55mV.

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How does a stimulus trigger a sensory response?

sensory responce is sort of like your taste buds they trigger a sence on what kind of foods that u like and foods that u dont like! :)

What do you touch in order to trigger a rooting reflex on an infant?

A reflex in infants in which rubbingor scratching about the mouth causes the infant to turn its head toward the stimulus.

What is an event or action that makes something else happen?

A stimulus is an event or action that makes something else happen. Other possible answers are trigger or impetus.

Why is the sound of chewing a stimulus for ASMR?

This is still a matter of scientific study. We simply do not yet understand why the triggers of ASMR trigger it. The sound of the chewing needs to be soft and gentle to trigger ASMR. Loud and fast chewing will likely just cause annoyance.

Why is the amplitude of the compound action potential recorded from the frog sciatic nerve increased when the voltage of the stimulus was increased above the threshold value?

when the voltage of the stimulus is increased above threshold, it can instantly trigger the action potential into a depolarizing state which will rapidly shoot up above the threshold value.

What happens after the spinal cord makes a decision in a reflex?

There are no "decisions" involved in a reflex. Generally the response is to trigger whatever motor nerves move the affected area away from the stimulus.

Can penicillin cause seizures in dogs?

Penicilin is not a commonly known trigger for seizures in dogs, but I wouldn't be surprised if it could cause them. Some foods and toxins can cause dog seizures, as well as excessive external stimulus (ie, light & sound), so it could, in theory, be a trigger.