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No, if you have chlamydia you need to look at whoever you have been with. Maybe you should invest in some condoms. Also since you seem uninformed about STD's I want to recommend that you see a doctor. STD's can kill you and are spread easily. Go to your local library and check out a book on it.

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Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria, Chlamydia trachomatis. It is primarily transmitted through sexual contact. It is highly unlikely to contract chlamydia from sources not involving another person.

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Q: Is it possible to get chlamydia from something other than sexual contact or anything having to do with another person?
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Can you get chlamydia from not bathing?

You can't get chlamydia from not bathing. It's an infection you get from another person.

If you had a negative chlamydia test three months before a positive test does this mean you contracted it within those three months?

There are a few possible explanations. The most likely is that you contracted chlamydia within those three months. Another possibility is that you got the first test so soon after infection that it could not yet be detected. A false negative or false positive test is another possible explanation.

Is cough a sign of chlamydia?

Cough is not a sign of chlamydia trachomatis (the STD) in adults. In newborns affected by chlamydia in the lungs, a hacking cough that doesn't bring up phlegm can be a sign of disease. There is another species of chlamydia, chlamydia pneumoniae, that causes cough.

Can you get chlamydia from another infection?

No, you can't. There is no other infection that turns into chlamydia. You get chlamydia from oral, anal, or vaginal sex; genital-genital contact; sharing sex toys; and birth to an infected mother.

Can you transmit chlamydia and test negative for it?

Yes, it is very possible. Many people can carry a bacteria or virus, then transfer it to another person (chlamydia and meningitis are good examples), and it is often that the second person gets the disease, without the first person ever being aware of their dangerous status.

How long can a male have chlamydia without having symptoms?

You shouldn't go at all. You need to make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible before it spread or gets worse.

What are some myths about chlamydia?

One myth about chlamydia is that you would know if you had it. Most diagnosed patients had no symptoms. Another myth is that you have to sleep around to get it. One partner is plenty.

If you test positive for chlamydia does your partner have to be recorded?

The requirements for partner tracing for chlamydia vary from one county to another. You can contact your county health department to inquire about their practices.

Is it possible to sue another party for financing a drug habit?

It is possible to sue for just about anything, but you'd have little chance of collecting in this case.

Do chlamydia sores go away after treatment?

Chlamydia scarring does not go away after antibiotic treatment, although the germ is gone and won't do further damage.

Can you get chlamydia if neither partner has had another partner?

It's possible to get chlamydia through genital-genital contact without intercourse. The problem with your question is the word "virgin." That word doesn't describe risk factors for STDs. That is, "virgin" doesn't say anything about whether you've exchanged potentially infectious fluids or had skin to skin contact with another person.It's possible to get STDs including chlamydia, HPV, HSV, gonorrhea, syphilis, and trichomonas by having genital-genital contact. Whatever your partners history, both partners should get tested prior to exchanging fluids.You can't get chlamydia if your partner and you were virgins.