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Yes, language is learned in those ways.

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Q: Is language learned through imitation and reinforcement?
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What is the social learning approach to aggression emphasizes that aggressive behavior is learned through a. Direct reinforcement b.Biological and primitive urges c.only direct d.only indirect?

direct reinforecement

What a learned behavior is?

A learned behavior in not instinctive but must be taught or acquired through learning.

What is vicarious punishment?

According to the social learning theory, behaviours are learned through different means, one of them being observation of others. This is sometimes called vicarious reinforcement. A reinforcement goal is to increase the probability of apparition of a behavior. Its contrary, punishement, aims at decreasing the probability of apparition of a behavior. As such, vicarious punishement would refer to the decrease of the probability of apparition of a behavior due to having observed this behavior leading to negative consequences in another person. For example, a child who sees another child being punished for stealing a crayon from a peer will be less likely to do the same.

Is creativity innate or learned?

I think creativity is built progressively through expositions to different environs

How is behavior acquired through training?

Generally there would have to be some kind of reward or incentive for training to result in behavior changes. There are countless possible rewards or incentives depending on the behavior and the species of the critter being trained. Some people might be motivated by salary, or by the outward benefits of exercising or dieting. Animals would be rewarded with food if used correctly. The above situations deal with positive reinforcement. Negative reinforcement can also be effective for training. Negative reinforcement is NOT, I repeat NOT punishment. Any reinforcer is a thing that makes a behavior MORE likely to happen; punishment does not do that. A rat in a lever box may experience a slight but definitely unpleasant electric current running through the floor of the box. When the rat performs the target behavior, the shock is turned off. THAT is negative reinforcement.

Related questions

In what theory states that language is acquired through imitation?

The Behaviorist theory, proposed by B.F. Skinner, suggests that language is acquired through imitation and reinforcement. This theory emphasizes the role of external factors in shaping language development, such as rewards for correct language usage.

What are the three theories of first language acquisition?

The three main theories of first language acquisition are behaviorism, nativism, and interactionism. Behaviorism suggests that language is learned through imitation and reinforcement. Nativism proposes that humans are biologically predisposed to acquire language. Interactionism emphasizes the role of social interaction and cognitive processes in language development.

Behaviorism as a theory of language teaching and learning?

Behaviorism views language acquisition as a result of imitation, reinforcement, and repetition. In language teaching, behaviorist principles are applied through drills, repetition exercises, and positive reinforcement to strengthen desired language behaviors. This approach emphasizes the importance of practice and conditioning to build language skills.

Identify two different theories of language development?

Behaviorist theory posits that language is acquired through imitation, reinforcement, and conditioning. Nativist theory argues that language acquisition is an innate capacity, with children born with an inherent ability to learn and develop language skills.

Who is the theorist who believed that children learn language when they are reinforced by parental attention?

B.F. Skinner is the theorist known for the idea that children learn language when they are reinforced by parental attention. Skinner proposed that language is acquired through a process of imitation, reinforcement, and shaping.

What is learned and passed down from parents to children through teaching example and imitation?


How is language learned?

There are different theories of how language is learned. One is the reinforcement model. This explains language development is the result of learning through the pairing of stimulus and response in the presence of appropriate reinforcement. Then, there is the social learning theory. This theory states that children learn language by listening, observing, and imitating models. The interactions between people teach the child. A new theory about learning language as a second language states that if a child is speaking in the first language ( L1) to learn a second language (L2) he or she must be fully versed in the first language. The L1 acts as a foundation for the learning of the L2. Without this the learning of the L2 is much harder.

Why is psycholinguistics considered mentalists rather than behavioristic?

To answer briefly and non-technically, Behaviorism discounts the validity of seeking answers to the question of language acquistion through a "psychological" approach. That is, language is a learned behavior conditioned through stimulus-response-reinforcement processes. Imitation plays a large role in the Behaviorists explanation of how humans learn a language. Psycholinguistics, greatly informed by Noam Chomsky, argues the opposite. That is, language acquisition is an innate ability. Psycholinguistics, among other things, also investigates the cognitive and neurological processing of language in the human brain. To make a simplified analogy: language, according to Behaviorists, comes from the outside in. "Mentalists" argue that language goes from the inside out.

A response is learned most rapidly and is most resistant to extinction if it is acquired under conditions of reinforcement?

A response needs to be learned through partial continuance so that the condition is aquired.

What is the behaviorist view of language acquisition?

The behaviorist view of language acquisition is that children learn language by receiving reinforcement from their parents after speaking correctly (operant conditioning). If a child's parents become ecstatic when the child says "mama", the child will want to continue speaking to get the same positive reaction. If a child gets a sip of milk after saying "milk", the speech is reinforced, and the child learns that it can get what it wants by saying so.

Observational learning theory's foremost proponent is?

Albert Bandura is considered the foremost proponent of observational learning theory. His work has highlighted the importance of social modeling and reinforcement in shaping behavior through observation and imitation.

Do children learn though imitation?

Yes, children learn through imitation by observing and copying the behavior of others, especially parents and caregivers. This process helps them acquire language, social skills, and other abilities important for their development.