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It is a good idea to always try and give encouraging words to your friend. Let them know that you care for them and that they mean a lot to many people.

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Let them know that you care about them and that you're there to support them. Encourage them to seek professional help or therapy to work through their feelings. Remind them of their positive qualities and experiences that highlight their worth.

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Q: What do you tell a good friend that hates themself?
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How do I convince my friend's parents to not tell my parents that we snuck out of the house?

You can try to tell them that you are so sorry, will never do it again, and tell them you know it was a big mistake and to please not tell them, but no guarentees.

You like a guy but he acts like he hates you does that mean he likes you?

Not necessarily. People can have various reasons for displaying negative behavior, such as envy, insecurity, or simply not liking someone. It's essential to communicate directly with the person to understand their true feelings before making assumptions.

What do you do if a boy you like hates you?

If someone you like doesn't have feelings for you, it's important to respect their feelings and give them space. Focus on building a positive relationship with them, but also be open to moving on and finding someone who appreciates you in return. Prioritize self-care and surround yourself with supportive friends and activities that make you happy.

How do you tell if your guy friend wants to be more?

Look for signs such as increased interest and effort in spending time with you, compliments or flirtatious behavior, and a desire to connect on a deeper emotional level. If unsure, consider communicating openly about your feelings and observing how they respond to gauge their interest in taking the relationship to the next level.

How do you get your friend to be less bossy?

Try to have an open and honest conversation with your friend about how their behavior affects you. Express your feelings and set boundaries on what you are comfortable with. Encourage them to listen and be more mindful of their actions.

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== == I thought a had a friend told her how i felt and she hates me no. I hope you have the better end....