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That you've been in the bath for too long??...

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1mo ago

Wrinkles in the vagina are a normal part of aging and can be caused by reduced collagen and elastin production. If the wrinkles are causing discomfort or other symptoms, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider to rule out any underlying conditions.

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Why its good to have a wrinkled brain?

Having a "wrinkled" brain, which means having lots of folds and creases on the brain's surface, is good because it increases surface area for more neurons and connections. This can enhance brain functioning and cognitive abilities, enabling faster thinking and better problem-solving skills.

How can you make a vagina feel good?

There are various ways to pleasure a vagina, including through clitoral stimulation, G-spot stimulation, and oral sex. Communication with the person is key in understanding their preferences and what feels good for them. It's important to explore and experiment to find what works best for each individual.

Why is Regina from mean girls mean?

Regina in "Mean Girls" is mean primarily because she is insecure and uses manipulation and control to maintain popularity and power. She also feels threatened by others and resorts to mean behavior to assert her dominance and protect her status within her social circle.

What The sum of the difference of score around the mean is?

The sum of the differences between each score and the mean is always zero. This is because the mean is the "center" of the data and any deviation from the mean in one direction is offset by an equal deviation in the opposite direction. This property is essential in understanding the concept of the mean as a measure of central tendency.

What are synonyms of a person who is mean-spirited?

A person who is mean spirited may be called:cruela bullyvillainouseviltyrannical