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Q: What is the traditional adult development theory?
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Karen Horney's theory on social development is that social and cultural conditions in childhood strongly effect a person's adult personality.

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Existentialism in adult learning theory emphasizes the importance of individual choice, responsibility, and self-awareness. It encourages adult learners to reflect on their values, beliefs, and goals, and to take ownership of their learning journey. Existentialist principles can empower adult learners to seek meaning and purpose in their education and personal development.

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Talcott Parsons is often associated with modernization theory, which posits that societies progress from traditional to modern forms through industrialization and economic development.

What are the implication of humanistic theory of learning to adult learner?

The humanistic theory of learning emphasizes self-directed learning, personal growth, and intrinsic motivation. For adult learners, this means they can take control of their learning, focus on their personal development, and be motivated by their own interests and goals. This can lead to more meaningful and fulfilling learning experiences for adult learners.

What was use in the development of evolutionary theory?

What type of reasoning was used in the development of evolutionary theory

An eclectic theory of development assumes what?

no single theory can account for all of human development.

What is the difference between the cognitive constructivist theory and the information processing theory of development?

Without getting into a discussion of all the elements of these theories the short answer deals with how each views development. Cognitive constructivist theorist's such as Piaget, saw development occurring in stages. This is referred to as discontinuous development. Constructivist see a change in what children can do as they mature, and that this change is qualitative. Information processing theory sees development as continuous. They see the difference in the way a child responds to the world, and the way an adult responds, as a matter of amount or complexity. This theory says that infants, toddlers, children, and adults respond to the world much the same.

Theory affect Human Growth and Development?

No. Theory attempts to explain human growth and development, but it does not affect it.

What type of reasoning was used in the development of evolutionary of theory?

Inductive reasoning was used in the development of evolutionary theory.

What type of reasoning was use in the development of the evolutionary theory?

Inductive reasoning was used in the development of evolutionary theory.