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Psychological units, mental institutions, jail and 6ft under the ground.

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Q: What other type of facilities are there for people who are a threat to others or themselves?
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Concept of normal and abnormal behavior in psychology?

Normal behavior is basically behavior that is socially acceptable. Everyday type stuff. Abnormal is what lies outside that standard deviation. Things such as schizophrenia, bipolar, and other psychological disorders are classified as abnormal.

How can you get over people's opinions of you?

If you are a moral, ethical person that is good to others then you have nothing to worry about. If what they are saying has no merit then you just take for what its worth. Crap. If what they are saying is true and it bothers you then do something about it. If what they say isn't true, you take a stand and protect your name and reputation, that is if its worth your time and energy. Petty people are everywhere and I have found that when people say things about you that arent true, they are intimidated by you and find you a threat to their own insecurities and it makes them feel better by putting others down. You can call them on it or rise above it, the truth does always come out and what come around goes around, it may take a little time. You will be and come out being the better person by letting them make fools of themselves.

Why do people yell when angry?

People yell when they are angry for much the same reason that dogs bark. The loud voice is a threat. It says, I am angry, and I may become violent, so you had better listen to what I am saying. Loud voices also have the advantage of drowning out quieter voices. Angry people do not want to listen to what other people have to say, they just want to be heard, and preferably obeyed.

Why are people so brainwashed into supporting homosexuality?

One view:There is nothing wrong supporting homosexuality, its just that some people are against homosexuality, which makes it sounds bad.Another view:Who brainwashed them?Another view:People often support gayness because of peer pressure, threat of violence or job loss, insecurity, or because they were convinced by the media that these people are victims.

What is extrinsic motivation?

Extrinsic motivation comes from an outside source, as either an incentive or the threat of punishment.

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Does the government detain mentally ill people?

They only detain mentally ill people when they pose an immediate threat to themselves or to others.

Can dogs see in a mirror?

Yes they can. Some dogs love looking at themselves, while others think it is a threat and tries to attack it.

What does police code 941 mean?

Police code 941 is considered an emergency. It means a person may need observation due to a mental illness and could be a harm to themselves.

What are the Florida laws for out of control teens?

There are no laws specific for out of control teens. If they are a threat to themselves or others, or are doing something illegal they can be reported to the police.

What are snakes afriad of?

Usually, anything larger than themselves that they consider a threat, such as people, and large animals like tigers.

Can I get an Illinois f.o.i.d. card after a mental health issue?

You can, depending on what the mental health issue was. The recent legislation that went into effect June 2008 states that hospitals and mental health treatment centers only have to report people who pose a threat to themselves or others in the community, not everyone like previously. If you were suicidal/homicidal at the time of the mental health treatment, you have to wait 5 years before you can get a FOID card. Hope this helps! -TaraI don't know where you're getting your information. The legislation that passed (Public Act 095-0564) does not state that mental health treatment centers only have to report people who pose a threat to themselves, others or the community. All mental health facilities are REQUIRED to enter the names of all persons admitted into the FOID reporting system, that DID NOT CHANGE!!. What changed is that now ALL public and private hospitals are required to report the name of any patient they deem a threat to themselves, the community etc.To the original poster, if you are truthful on your application and denied, you can appeal the decision to the director of the ISP, and the case will be heard by an administrative law judge. Be prepared to bring in your your medical records and if there's any self destructive behavior documented or if it's documented you could be a threat to others, then you're on the waiting list for 5 years.

Are people a threat to manatees?

Yes people are a threat to manatees

Why do people always think that others are u-g-l-y when they are so sweet and great?

Different people see things differently. They like things that are like themselves. People judge others by what they see on the outside and never look into what the other person is really about. Some people see others that are different then they are as a threat. Then there are bullies. A bully does not have to be someone that physically abuses you, they can inflict pain with words. Bullies usually hang in a pack, crowd or gang. They only feel safe when they are with others like them and anyone who is not like them they deem as "ugly" or bad or stupid. By making someone else feel bad, they think that others will think higher of them.

Why were the Quakers a threat to tradition?

Quakers were considered a threat to tradition because they all did not tend to identify as solely Christian. They considered themselves to be part a universal religion and believed priests and rituals were an obstruction between people and God. They saw the good in everyone and valued all people equally.

Why were Quakers seen as a threat in England?

People thought they were a threat social class. They thought eveyrone was equal so they had no respect for others. They didnt take of their hats or bow. People thought they were a threat to religion. They didnt attend the catholic churh because they didnt think it was necessary and it costs the church to have less attendence. They were also a considered a threat because they were pacifists. They didnt agree with war. They had no defenses against others.

Can you commit someone involuntarily in the state of Iowa?

Yes a person can be committed to a mental hospital involuntarily in the state of Iowa. The court must find that the person poses a emotional and physical threat to themselves or others.

Why were the quakers ideas a threat to traditions?

Quakers were considered a threat to tradition because they all did not tend to identify as solely Christian. They considered themselves to be part a universal religion and believed priests and rituals were an obstruction between people and God. They saw the good in everyone and valued all people equally.