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Q: What refers to the perceptual principle that states that you automatically separate the elements of a perception into the feature that clearly stands out and its less distinct background?
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A picture that uses the principle of binocular disparity to create the perception of a three-dimensional image is a stereoscopic image. Stereoscopic imaging shows two slightly offset photographs to produce the three-dimensional effect.

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The principle for an auto blood analyzer is to count blood cells and biochemical properties in the blood. An automated blood analyzer is a machine that does its function automatically.

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It is sometimes easy to overlook something when you are working so hard on it. This is why it is often recommended that you have someone else look over your work.

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The validity of the scientific method presupposes certain philosophic principles which may or may not be accepted by certain schools of philosophy. These principles include (1) The principle of existence: there is a real world which exists independently of our perception of it {2) The principle of identity: A thing is what it is and not something else (3) The principle of causality: The actions possible to an entity are determined by the nature of that entity (4) The principle of consciousness: We can perceive the real world and gain knowledge of it. This is not an exhaustive list and implies others principles. For example, the principle of consciousness implies the principle of free will. For if we are not free to validate our knowledge, then what we have cannot be claimed as knowledge.

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The purpose of due process is that it is the principle that the government must respect all of the legal rights that are owed to a person according to the law

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By Bernoulli's principle velocity head x pressure head is always constant So as velocity increases at the nozzle the pressure falls down automatically.

What psychological school first identified that visual perception occurs in terms of whole objects rather than individual component parts?

Gestalt is the psychological school that first identified that visual perception occurs in terms of whole objects rather than individual component parts. The central principle of Gestalt psychology is that "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

What energy state do electrons automatically fill?

As the periodic table of the elements is built up by adding the necessary electrons to match the atomic number, the electrons will take the lowest energy consistent with the Pauli exclusion principle.