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An example of Propaganda during westward expansion was the promotion of the idea of manifest destiny, which declared it was America's destiny to expand across the continent. This idea was used to justify the displacement and mistreatment of Native American tribes, framing it as part of a larger noble mission.

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Q: What was an example for propaganda during westward expansion?
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How do you use propaganda in a sentence?

Chairman Mao used propaganda to control everyone who lived in China.

What is an example of propaganda during the Vietnam war?

An example of propaganda during the Vietnam War is the portrayal of the conflict as a noble cause to fight against the spread of communism. Media coverage often emphasized the heroism of American soldiers and downplayed civilian casualties and the negative impact of the war on the Vietnamese population. This propaganda aimed to maintain public support for the war effort and justify US involvement in Vietnam.

What is an example of Mubarak's propaganda?

During his rule, Hosni Mubarak's regime utilized state-controlled media outlets to portray him as a strong and stable leader, highlighting his achievements while downplaying any criticisms or opposition. This propaganda aimed to maintain his grip on power by shaping public perception in his favor and suppressing dissent.

Was there an increase or decrease in propaganda during World War 2?

There was a significant increase in propaganda during World War II. Governments used propaganda to mobilize public support for the war effort, shape public perception of the enemy, and boost morale. Propaganda was disseminated through various mediums such as posters, radio broadcasts, and films.

What is an example of stereotype propaganda?

An example of stereotype propaganda could be generalizing a particular group as being lazy or unintelligent without any factual basis, which can influence perceptions and attitudes towards that group in a negative way. This type of propaganda can perpetuate harmful beliefs and prejudice.