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Q: When a conditioned stimulus is presented without an accompanying unconditioned stimulus will soon take place?
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Is Pregnancy unconditioned or conditioned stimulus?

conditioned stimulus

What can happen if a conditioned stimulus is repeated over and over without being paired with an unconditioned stimulus?

Nothng. No response is elicited to the conditioned stimulus because it is not associated with an unconditioned stimulus.

How are the strongest associations between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus formed?

The strongest association is formed when we present the conditioned stimulus about half a second before the unconditioned stimulus.

What are the elements of classical conditioning of psychology?

1. Neutral Stimulus(NS)-A stimulus that does not evoke a response 2.Unconditioned Stimulus(US)-A stimulus innately capable of eliciting a response 3.Conditioned Stimulus(CS)-A stimulus that evokes a response b/c it has been paired with an unconditioned stimulus 4.Unconditioned Response(UR)-An innate reflex response elicited by a US 5.Conditioned Response(CR)-A learned response elicited by a CS

What is the difference between a unconditioned response and a conditioned response?

Unconditioned response is unlearned and conditioned is learned. When you smell your favorite food (unconditioned stimulus) you become hungrey(unconidtioned response)

What is backward conditioning?

The unconditioned stimulus comes before the conditioned stimulus... it is called backward conditioning

What is the purpose of classical condition?

The purpose it to associate an unconditioned stimulus (ex: sound of a bell) to a conditioned stimulus (ex: food) in order to get a conditioned response (ex: salivation) every time the subject being conditioned is exposed to the unconditioned stimulus (ex: sound of a bell creates salivation).

Example of unconditioned stimulus?

Unconditioned Stimulus is an event or thing that automatically triggers a response. an example would be. when you smell your favorite food cooking, your mouth may salivate. the smell is an unconditioned stimulus which, in turn, brings rise to the salivating (unconditioned or conditioned response).

When can a conditioned response be extinguished?

Conditioned response occurs when brought about by a conditioned stimulus. Straight forward answer. I could add details but I'm sure you'll understand the above answer.

In a classical conditioning procedure the pairing of the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus will result in?

A+ all answers are correct :]]]]

What response is caused by a neutral stimulus?

The neutral stimulus does not cause any response. It is paired with the Unconditioned Stimulus until it is turned into the Conditioned Stimulus.

What is the difference between unconditioned stimulus and conditioned stimulus?

An unconditioned stimulus UCS is stimuli or anything that brings out a reaction that is innate, not learned, automatic, etc.A conditioned stimulus CS is a once neutral or unrelated stimulus that has been paired with an unconditioned stimulus, which after training and learning signals the conditioned response.Take a dog for example. A dog will salivate at the sight of food, salivation is the unconditioned stimulus, dogs don't learn how to drool they just do. Then pair the sight of food with the ringing of a bell, once unrelated, and the dog will learn to associate the bell with food and will therefore salivate. And the bell becomes the conditioned stimulus.For more information/source go to Exploring Psychology by David Myers