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Q: When stress is linked to increased psychological disorders it is referred to as?
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Where does abnormality originate In your wiring In your personality conscious thought or voluntary behavior In society Respond making explicit reference to the components of the bio-psycho?

Abnormality can be linked to psychological, social, and work difficulties.

What is a neurotransmitter that has been linked to sleep eating mood pain and depression?

Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT) is the neurotransmitter associated with reducing anxiety, reducing aggression, reducing appetite, increasing somnolence (sedation and quality of sleep), and reducing depression. A deficiency of this neurotransmitter, or receptor mutations leading to decreased binding affinity of one's own neurotransmitter levels can lead to any of inverse symptoms listed above (depression, anxiety, aggression, increased hunger or overeating, sleep disorders, etc.).

What is linked to your emotions?

Our actions are linked to our emotions. What we feel is what we express in our daily life.

Is there some health conditions that are linked to uncontrolled or unresolved Anger?

Do you mean a psychological cause? Or some physical health issue caused by unrelenting anger? Like say, high blood pressure. Psychological causes however, there are a number of conditions that can cause it. Such as bipolar disorder. I would recommend looking into anger management or talking to someone about your problems. Usually anger is caused by an inability to cope with issues, it happens to a lot of people. Its just a matter of figuring out how to relieve your anger. Talking to someone about why you're angry helps. Or trying to figure out the reasons you get angry and then finding a healthy way to solve that issue.

Are motives and emotions inseparably linked?

99.9% of the time; yes.

Related questions

When stress is linked to increased psychological disorder it is referred to as?


Is anorexia a virus or bacteria?

It's neither. Anorexia is a loss of appetite, often linked to psychological disorders such anorexia nervosa.

What are two examples of human sex linked disorders?

Some examples of sex-linked disorders are Hemophilia and Color-blindness.

Can cognitive anxiety be linked to autoimmune or endocrine disorders?

im no doc, but I believe cognitive anxiety can indeed be linked to endocrine disorders, as some of these disorders affect mental health.

What is a sex-linked disorder and give one example?

Genetic disorders that are linked to either the X or the Y chromosomes. Red-green colorblindness and hemophilia are both sex-linked disorders.

What are sex-linked disorders?

Disabilities or disorders that are linked to reproduction or sex For more info GOOGLE IT!

Name a sex-linked genetic disorder?

Many different disorders are sex-linked. Saying something is sex-linked indicates that the gene causing the disorder can be found on one of the sex chromosomes, certain muscle disorders for example are sex-linked

What are sex link disorders?

Disabilities or disorders that are linked to reproduction or sex For more info Google IT!

What same with sex-linked disorders and sex chromosomes disorders?

They have some symptoms that are hard to come by.

What are two sex linked disorders?

Genes and phenotype

What disorders does not seem to be linked to genetics?

strep throat

What is the link between sex-linked disorders and sex chromosome disorders?

sex-linked is normally involving X chromosome sex chromosome normally involving Y chromosome