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Q: Who theorist established the first experimental laboratory in 1879?
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Who established the first psychology laboratory in University of Vienna Austria?

Wilhelm Wundt is credited with establishing the first formal laboratory for experimental psychology; however, it was housed at the University of Leipzig, in Germany.

When was the first psychology laboratory established?

1879 in Leipzig, Germany, Wilehm Wundt established the first Pyschology laboratory

In what year was the first institute for research in experimental psychology opened?

In 1879, Wundt established the first institute for research in experimental psychology.

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Wilhelm Wundt, a German psychologist, is most associated with the technique of introspection. He is known as the father of experimental psychology and established the first experimental psychology laboratory in 1879 in Leipzig, where he used introspection to study the content of conscious experience.

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What is the first psychological laboratory that was developed in 1879 in Leipzig Germany by?

Wilehm Wundt established the first Pyschology laboratory in 1879 in Leipzig, Germany.

What resulted from the first experimental effort that established the idea of groups of elements?

The Law of triads

What Resulted from the first experimental effort that established the idea of group of elements?

The Law of triads

Who started the first psychological laboratory?

Psychology was alredy lighlty looked at in 1550 B.C/B.C.E But the first American psychological laboratory was opened in 1883 by G.Stanley Hall. Granville Stanley Hall was a pioneering psychologist and educator.

What were Wilhelm Wundt experimental studies?

Wilhelm Wundt (August 1832 to August 1920) is known as one of the founding figures of modern psychology. His experimental studies following his start of the first formal psychological laboratory included religious beliefs, mental disorders and abnormal behavior.

The first word in the laboratory?

"Lab" is the first word in "laboratory".