

Why do kids like the word poop?

Updated: 5/1/2024
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βˆ™ 10y ago

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There are a number of reasons why kids like words related to bowel movements. Freudian psychologists suggest that humans move from a feces obsession to a sexual obsession as they grow older. Young children are amazed by what their bodies do and the substances they secrete. Hair, earwax, eye matter, mucus, saliva, vomit, blood, scabs, pus, urine, and fecal matter are all curiosities and things that many children find intriguing.

We all as humans struggle with our contributions to the world, and many of us find delight in the things we create. As we get older, we learn more valuable skills that take our minds away from our bodies. Then we learn the value of relationships, and the feelings of sexuality emerge. So there is less of a need to talk about excrement.

Some adults still discuss excrement, and part of this is cultural. For instance, Germany may have more of a cultural emphasis on fecal matter, or at least they used to. Asking someone if they had a good bowel movement was once considered a polite matter of concern for others. A common gag gift from over that way is a chamber pot with the handle on the inside. That suggests you have to get your hands dirty to empty it. And common expressions that Americans use are actually more graphic when said in German. The vulgar phrase which means kissing the buttocks in English has a more vulgar counterpart in German which means the practice of anilingus.

Then there are people with senility and mental illness who seem to regress into an obsession with fecal matter. They may smear themselves with it or use it to "paint" the walls. It is like they are returning to a vulnerable, childlike state like during the first 2 years of life.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

Kids are drawn to words that are funny, silly, or taboo, and "poop" falls into that category. It's often seen as a "naughty" word that can make kids giggle or feel like they're being rebellious. Additionally, bodily functions and humor related to them tend to appeal to children's sense of playfulness and curiosity.

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