

Why do people stereotype Beliebers?

Updated: 5/2/2024
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12y ago

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Most because they do not like Justin Bieber or hear people talking about him way to much. They also don't understand the power of Justin bieber.

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11h ago

People may stereotype Beliebers because of the negative stereotypes associated with being a fan of a popular celebrity, such as being overly obsessed or irrational. Additionally, stereotypes can arise from media portrayals or perceptions of the fanbase as being young or overly emotional.

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What is the difference between stereotype and character stereotype?

A stereotype is a widely held but oversimplified belief about a particular group of people. A character stereotype is when a fictional character conforms to a simplistic or predictable portrayal based on societal norms or expectations.

What is people with AIDS stereotype?

One stereotype about people with AIDS is that they are promiscuous or engaged in risky behavior that led to their diagnosis. This stereotype is harmful as it can lead to discrimination and stigma towards individuals living with AIDS. It's important to recognize that anyone, regardless of their behaviors, can be affected by AIDS.

What was the stereotype in 12 angry men?

In "12 Angry Men," one of the jurors initially holds a stereotype that people from lower socio-economic backgrounds are more likely to be violent and guilty of crime. This stereotype influences his judgment of the defendant in the case.

What are stereotype feelings?

Stereotype feelings may refer to preconceived notions or beliefs about a particular group of people based on stereotypes. These feelings are not based on individual characteristics or experiences but on generalizations and assumptions. It is important to be aware of and challenge stereotype feelings to promote understanding and equality.

What does the word stereotype actually mean?

A stereotype is an overgeneralized belief or idea about a particular group of people that may not accurately represent individuals within that group. Stereotypes are often based on prejudices and can negatively impact how people are perceived and treated.

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i think 31 milliom beliebers is wrong !! , in twitter he has over 37 millions his beliebers and on facebook he has over 50 millions his beliebers now , let me think some survey said . 34% people in this entire world are BELIEBERS . so how awesome we are :') #MYOPINION and i thinks justin is one of some most influential person in this whole world :') sincerly beliebers

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