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She suffers low self esteem beacause angel treated her like crap and left her so now she basically thinks bad about herself .

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19h ago

Lou Ann's low self-esteem in "The Bean Trees" may be attributed to her troubled past, including a challenging upbringing and a lack of support or positive reinforcement. Additionally, the absence of a strong sense of self-worth could be linked to her turbulent relationships, particularly with her ex-husband, Angel, who made her feel inadequate and unappreciated. Furthermore, Lou Ann's feelings of unworthiness may stem from her perception of herself as a burden to others, leading her to struggle with asserting her own value and importance.

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Q: Why does Lou ann suffer from very low self esteem in the bean trees?
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Yes, an aggressive communicator may use dominating tactics to mask their insecurities and lack of self-esteem. They might resort to aggressive behavior to feel powerful or in control, as a way to compensate for internal feelings of inadequacy. It is important for individuals displaying aggressive communication patterns to work on building their self-esteem through self-reflection and seeking support.

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Not necessarily. Submission in a BDSM context does not inherently correlate with low self-esteem. It is a consensual expression of power dynamics that can be empowering and fulfilling for those involved. It is essential to not make assumptions about an individual’s self-esteem based on their preference for submission.

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Where do you get your self-esteem from?

Self esteem can be gained by confidence. A person should attain confidence resulting into self esteem.


Self-esteem is how we value and perceive ourselves. 

What is the verb form of the word self-esteem?

The verb form of "self-esteem" is "to esteem oneself."

How do you write self esteem?

You write it as self-esteem. It is hyphenated.

What is selfesteem?

Self-esteem is the overall subjective evaluation of one's own worth and value as a person. It reflects a person's beliefs about themselves and can influence how they think, feel, and behave in various situations. High self-esteem is associated with positive feelings of self-worth, while low self-esteem can lead to negative self-perception and impact mental health.

What makes you think self esteem can help you say no to violence?

Those who suffer from violence, domestic abuse etc. often believe that they deserve it and that they are not worth being treated properly. Self esteem is believing that you deserve to be happy and live a long and fulfilling life where personal safety is not threatened at the hands of someone else. Therefore, if someone is being exposed to violent behaviour and they gain self-esteem, it will help them to say "no." because they will realise that they have value and do not deserve to suffer for no particular reason.