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Q: Why is culture more important that instinct in determining human behavior?
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What are similarities and differences between instincts and culture?

instinct: inherited behavior culture: way of life for people

Why is culture more important than instinct in determining human behavior?

Because within cultures there are consequences to actions. This affects the way people behave because they have learned through upbringing that certain actions result in certain reactions. An example would be if someone does wrong by you and your instinct is an aggressive outburst where you want to hit them. Culture tells you that this is not acceptable and you could be punished by the legal system so you control yourself to avoid punishment.

What is the criticism of instinct theory?

Critics argue that instinct theory oversimplifies behavior by attributing it solely to innate biological factors, overlooking the influence of learning, culture, and individual differences. Additionally, the concept of instincts can be difficult to define and measure empirically, leading to challenges in accurately studying and understanding behavior.

Values are important to organizational behavior because they?

are an integral part of culture

Is human behavior more a result of culture or of heredity?

is behavior a result of culture or heredity

Why is culture so inportanat?

Culture is so important because it is a part of society that allows a person to pass traditions from one generation to the next. It also gives a person the blue print for moral behavior and standard behavior in a society.

How management should improve the organizational climate?

Management can improve the organizational culture climate by recognizing employees that demonstrate the behavior. It is important for managers to commit to changing the culture.

What is the culture of prodigy from mindless behavior?

his culture is russian and indian

What is the laboratory procedure for determining the pathogen present in sputum?

Sputum culture is the laboratory procedure for determining which pathogens are present.

Is religion more important than culture?

We preserve our culture by following religion rules and regulations. Religion teach and make us aware of good and bad human behavior. How things in nature to be visualized and treated. So religion is more important.

What is real culture?

Real Culture: Actual behavior patterns of members of a group.

One of the great differences between human cultural behavior and that of monkeys and apes is that?

human cultural behavior is much more complex and diverse. Humans have the ability to create and transmit culture through language and symbolic systems, whereas monkeys and apes primarily rely on instinct and simple learned behaviors. Humans also have the capacity for cumulative culture, where knowledge and innovations build upon one another over time.