

Motivation for Hire

Updated: 5/2/2024
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13y ago

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The key to any successful weight loss and fitness program is motivation. Unfortunately, motivation isn't sold in stores, nor is it available for order on the internet. But it does come in a special package, and it is available for hire. This -motivation' goes by the name -Personal Trainer'.

A personal trainer is a professional motivator. If your workout stamina is stammering, or your dieting willpower is wavering, a personal trainer can get you back on track. But don't expect this person to act like your best friend. Personal trainers don't get paid to tell clients what they want to hear. They are in the business of helping people attain their dieting and fitness goals. This involves pushing the envelope when it comes to fitness and pulling back on the reigns when it comes to overeating.

A good personal trainer knows how to shape and refine a person, driving back the attitudes and habits that encourage flab, and introducing new habits that bring about health and fitness. The finished product is more than a renewed body. Both body and mind must be reshaped into a fit individual who puts his personal health above any level of comfort or instant gratification. A typical session with a personal trainer may begin with a consultation. Sitting down and discussing goals, and plotting a course to reach those goals, is the first stop on the road to fitness. A regimen for diet and exercise is established, along with a timeline for accomplishing weight loss or fitness aspirations.

After the initial consultation, the real work begins. The personal trainer becomes your pillar of accountability. Every donut that is considered, and every workout session that is shirked lays an anvil of guilt upon your shoulders. It's the personal trainer's job to press that anvil down a little harder, and drive that guilt a little deeper. But it's not all about guilt and shame. Personal trainers are more interested in building you up than they are in tearing you down. You'll hear words of encouragement and praise as you meet each small step toward reaching your ultimate weight loss or fitness goal. Your personal trainer will cheer you on to victory, and even propel you over the finish line.

Can you benefit from the help of a personal trainer? Yes, you can!

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I am motivated to work and contribute to this company by my passion for the industry, my desire to learn and grow professionally, and my commitment to achieving results and making a positive impact.

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