The price of a bus ticket depends on the fare type purchased (example: refundable, non-refundable, return, one-way).
Depending on the fare type you choose, a one-way ticket from Reading to (Key) Largo will cost $198.00 - $221.00.
Price confirmation can be obtained online or through your local Greyhound Operator.
$300 and change at the Rainbow muffler and brake shop, Largo Florida
There are many places one might go to locate a low-cost Florida vacation rental. In addition to one's local travel agency, one might also try the Travelocity website.
You do not need a passport to travel from Wisconsin to Florida. If you are flying, you need government-issued photo ID, but a state drivers license or state ID card will work just fine.
A constructed cost compares the cost of travel by the standard transportation mode to the cost of travel by an alternate mode.
There is no cost to enter Florida, other than the price of your transportation.
It depends on your mode of travel: car, foot. You would also need to consider gas mileage if traveling by car or truck and the current price of gas.
A constructed cost compares the cost of travel by the standard transportation mode to the cost of travel by an alternate mode.
A constructed cost compares the cost of travel by the standard transportation mode to the cost of travel by an alternate mode.
There are many excellent websites to find low prices for Florida holiday packages. Some of these include: Expedia, hotels dot com, low cost holidays, and travel supermarket.
Pl see the link- where you can get fitness equipment, inter-alia, inTampa/St.Petersburg, Florida, at affordable prices; If you are not averse to used but good equipment, you will find this link useful-; Athletic Concepts Inc, Largo, Florida ( is another site for you to get the fitness equipment (new and pre-owned) at affordable prices.