They are called steam trains because they are pulled by steam engines.
Steam trains were first. they use both fire and water to produce steam and make the engine run.
There are 2.4 Steam Trains in the world as of 2012.
Trains Unlimited - 1997 Steam Trains was released on: USA: 27 October 1997
with steam.
steam engine trains.
they made steam trains in Victorian times fro people to travel out of the city
Steam coal
steam trains
In 1870, people rode trains and steam-powered riverboats and ships. They rode horses and used a wide variety of horse-drawn vehicles. Of course, they could walk. There were no electric streetcars, automobiles nor airplanes.
trains were powered on steam and now most trains work by electricity
Steam toys have been around for quite a long time. When parents think of steam toys, they usually think of trains. These are the most popular toys that have steam. Trains can be very elaborate in how the tracks are arranged and in the design of the trains themselves. Trains are more realistic today than they were years ago. Water is poured into the train to make steam as it rolls around the track in the home. Trains are appropriate for boys and girls to play with.