belief in the oneness of God belief in the prophets, angels, holy books good deeds, abstention from bad deeds belief in the hereafter living by the 5 pillars of Islam
deeds in Islam are things such as helping people,praying for our god,and all good things
In Islam the meaning is two Angels sitting respectively on your shoulder. Recording your good and bad deeds. Which ever one outweighs the other wins and you either go to paradise or hellfire
Islam calls for peace and good deeds. Islam calls for forgiveness and cooperation and mutual respect. Refer to questions below.
Michael is an archangel and angels do only good, not bad.
Sure, so far Islam guides me; through Qur'an and prophet Muhammad teachings; to the good deeds, good morals, and good beliefs.
To believe in the oneness of god, that Mohammad is the seal of the prophets, and to do good deeds
reckoning is when god weighs our good deeds and bad deeds on two sides of the scale, and reckons whether we will go to paradise or hell.
yes, but competitions on what is good not in sinful deeds as drinking alcohol or gambling.
They believed in angels because it says in the Qur'an " The Messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and so do believers. All believe in Allah, His angels, His books and His messages. Although angels are part of unseen and mysterious, but in the Qur'an offer their attributes, purpose and creation of angels.
The main two practices of Islam are:perform ritual worshipsdo good deeds for the benefit of mankindhave good moralsRefer to related questions below for more information.
By not reflecting if the deed you recognized is good, if you reflect then you are looking for a reward which is opposite of a good deed.