The Greek word for "Christian," is "Χριστιανός" or Christianós. This simply means "follower of Christ."
Dictionaries often define a christian as:
Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jesus to be the son of God and the only savior for mankind. They believe he died for humanity and rose from the dead. Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jesus is now alive in the heavens and is the King of God's Kingdom.
They actively strive to imitate Jesus as their leader and obey his command including the command to preach the gospel (see Matthew 28: 19, 20)
Thus in every aspect, they can rightly be referred to as CHRISTIANS.
Yes, in virtually all Demographics, they are considered a Christian denomination.
Their beliefs are centered around the Biblical teachings that Jesus existed in heaven as a divine spirit being before coming to Earth, that he came to Earth as a human being to die as a ransom for mankind, and that he was resurrected and ascended back to heaven as a divine spirit being. They also believe that a person has to exercise faith in that sacrifice and imitate Jesus in order to receive salvation.
Because of those beliefs, they fit the definition and distinction of being a Christian religion.
Jehovah's Witnesses DO call themselves Christian. They acknowledge they are a Christian religion and are baptised in Christ's name. Most secular authorities recognise Jehovah's Witnesses as a Christian denomination.
Jehovah's Witnesses DO call themselves Christian. They acknowledge they are a Christian religion and are baptised in Christ's name. Most secular authorities recognise Jehovah's Witnesses as a Christian denomination.
Yes. Jehovah' s Witnesses are generally considered a Christian denomination and are classified as such by most authorities.
Jehovahs Witnesses
Yes they are a type of denomination from Christianity, just like Catholics or Protestants
No, Muslims can't do nikah by themselves without witnesses. Secret marriages, as well as those done without witnesses, are considered invalid.
Christians do celebrate Christmas Indian Muslim ANSWER Jehovah's Witnesses is a Christian denomination that does not celebrate Christmas.
The Tagalog word for "Jehovah" is "Jehova." It is used to refer to God in the Christian context, particularly by members of the Jehovah's Witnesses denomination.
The Jehovah"s Witnesses. They also object to Blood Transfusions. Maybe they won"t drive trucks that have Cross-Feed valves, also!
91% of the population belongs to the Church of Tuvalu (a Christian church); 3% is Seventh-day Adventist (a protestant-Christian denomination) ; another 3% is Baha'i ( a monotheistic religion founded by Baha'u'llah in 19th-century Persia, emphasizing the spiritual unity of all humankind); 2% are Jehovah's Witnesses (a millennialist restorationist "Christian" denomination with nontrinitarian beliefs distinct from Christianity); and 1% is Roman Catholic
No. According to Wikipedia, the Encyclopedia Brittanica and the American Heritage Dictionary, they are a Christian denomination. Some other neutral sources have said "institutionalized sect" rather than "denomination", but they are of the Christian faith. They are also listed with the United States Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 Christian religious organization. The United States Armed Forces recognizes them as amongst the Christian faiths. They are regarded and listed as Christian with the various governments they operate under world wide. Their full legal name is the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. That is the factual and ideologically neutral answer. Religious testimonies in favor of that fact, or religious opinions against it, may be posted in the discussion section.
Jehovah's Witnesses.