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Q: Are Muslims allowed to marry Born Again Christians?
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Why do Muslim parents encourage their children not to like christians?

Muslims do not encourage their children not to like Christians. Christians and Jews are people of the book as mentioned in the Quran and the people closer to Muslims are Christians as mentioned in the Quran. Muslims are allowed to marry Christians and Jews as they are people of the book. It is therefore a misconception on your part to think that Muslims are encouraged not to like Christians!

Can Muslims marry different religions?

Muslims marry, they don't date ___________________________________________________________ No, they are not allowed. Any sexual practice (intercourse or oral sex) outside licit marriage is forbidden in Islam.

Is attending church prohibited in the religion Islam?

No. If a Muslim couldn't find a mosque he can even pray in the Church. Muslims are even allowed to marry Christians and Jews women

I am a Hindu vegetarian . i want to marry a Muslim guy . how to marry him?

Muslim men are allowed to marry the People of the Books (Christians or Jews) and the Muslim women are only allowed to be married to a Muslim man. If you are throughly in love with him, become a Muslim. Michael Jackson became a Muslim before he died and you numskulls didn't become Muslims. it is the straight path you dummies.

Do you have to convert to Muslim to marry an Iranian man?

If the Iranian man is muslim.. then yes! Muslims are only allowed to marry people of the same faith.

Are shoguns allowed to marry?

Yes, They are allowed to marry.

Are Muslims permitted to marry their cousins?

Yes they can marry their cousins

Could clergyman allowed to marry?

Answer Catholic Bishops are not allowed to marry

Can a divorced man married by orthodox priest marry again and then get ordained?

No, you are only allowed one woman if you are to get ordained.

What happens to Muslims if they do not marry Muslims?

It is regarded as a sin. Hence, you will be a sinner

What are the similarities between Islam and Christian wedding?

In reality there isn't any similarity in the way Muslims & Christians practice their faith. On the other hand there are lots of differences between the two. The main or major difference being in the belief of Jesus. Christians believe Jesus to be the son of God (as well as one of three god figureheads in their Trinity doctrine) whereas Muslims merely regard Jesus as one of the 25 prophets of Allah (God). Muslims pray 5 times in a day whereas Christian s don't. Muslims pray either in congregation in mosques or at home or anywhere; Christians pray in congregation either in churches or cathedrals.

Can Muslims marry single parents?

Yes, absolutely. However, the person with children must obviously not still be married to their former spouse and must have gone through the "waiting period" between the one marriage ending and the next one beginning. Traditional Muslims may restrict such marriages, though, so that non-virgins will only marry other non-virgins.