there are christians that think war is uncalled for and there are christians who think that war is nessecary but only the right reason. if someone attacks our nation we fight back as defenders. i am a christian and i say that the world needs to be more peaceful but at the same time if it takes war to bring Another Country to stop acting foolishly then so be it. in The Bible it says that war will be a sign of the near coming of Christ and war has broken out and we are in the final days.
Methodists and Quakers( two christian denominations) are pacifist which mean they oppose war and violence and they believe that war should never be fought. Christians belive in sactity of life, that it is god given and therefore killing someone, innocent people over war is unmoral, selfish and terrible. " thou shall not muder"
On the other hand some christians believe that it can be fought and that it is done to protect their country, other countries, protect a weaker country, beliefs, religion etc
If someone attacks you, you attack them " eye for eye, tooth for tooth"
Hope this helps
Im doing an essay for my r.e gcse but this is just a brief answer- but the most important things
Christians abhor any kind of war. It can only be justified when one has to defend himself, his family or country. Christ tells us to turn the other cheek, but he also says that if you are abused three times then you are justified in defending yourself. War is somewhat different because it involves many people who cannot defend themselves. We are justified in defending another nation if that nation requests our help.
Luke 6:27- "continue loving your enemies".
Matthew 22:39-"love your neighbor as yourself".
When one of Jesus' disciples tried to defend him with a sword Jesus told him: Return your source to its place, for all those who take the sword will perish by the sword".
2 Corinthians 10:3, 4-"though we walk in the flesh, we do not wage warfare according to what we are in the flesh".
John 17:16- "they are no part of this world, just as I (Jesus) am no part of the world".
John 18:36- "My Kingdom is no part of this world. If my Kingdom were part of this world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be handed over to the Jews. But, as it is, my Kingdom is not from this source.
To answer your question: No, real Christians (Christ followers) wouldn't go to war.
Ecclesiastes 3:8 states that there is a time for war, and a time for peace.
With the coming of Jesus it became much clearer that the enemies a Christian faces are spiritual in nature: Humans are prisoners to be rescued, not the evil foes. That said, however, there are times when action is required to protect others or yourself.
In the end concepts such as "violence" and "fighting" are so vague that such questions may only be answered when specific circumstances are given, and even then the answers will vary based on the individual. God has given instructions for peace, and instructions for war, but both must be considered within their context. It's too complex an issue for a simple answer.
what was paul rever's religious views
From what I hear he is Christian (:
They disagree with some Christian views and agree with them on other views. Refer to question below for more information.
well it depends is he Christian. He could have totally different views and wants to date someone with the same views
drugs are wrong and should not be taken.
Christian Tauschke has written: '\\' -- subject(s): Political and social views
Her father is Christian and her mother is Jewish.
Calvin Coolidge is a Congregationalist Christian.
Generally speaking, Australian views ran in concert with the views of the US.
Part of the cold war.