What do you mean scientific evidence? It's in The Bible that Jesus Christ existed if that's what you want for proof.
If by scientific evidence one includes all the available evidence, which is also regarded as valid evidence for any other ancient personage then there is plenty of actual evidence both inside and outside the Bible. Denial of the existence of such evidence does not make it go away, nor diminish its actuality.
Sure, there's mountains of evidence for the historical life of a man named Jesus of Nazareth. (Interestingly enough, no one ever seems to have denied the historicity of Jesus until around the 18th or 19th centuries.) In particular, there were a number of writers in ancient Rome and Israel, who lived shortly after the time of Jesus, who wrote on the man-vs.-God controversy while it was first going on. So basically, in a nutshell, no, dispite the bible saying so, and it being man-made, there is none
From his own epistles, written before the gospel accounts, Paul seems to say that the risen Jesus did not show himself physically, but only through visions or dreams. He seems to have believed that when the risen Jesus appeared to Cephas, then the twelve, then to more than 500 (most of whom were still alive) then to James and all the apostles, that the appearances were all of the same nature as the appearance to himself, with no suggestion that any of those appearances somehow more real than the spiritual appearance he experienced.
The first gospel to be written, Mark's Gospel, originally ended at verse 16:8, with the young man telling the women that Jesus was risen and they fled, telling no one - the "Long Ending" was added much later to provide the necessary resurrection appearances to 'prove' that Jesus had really returned from the dead. Merely having a young man, whether a messenger from God or perhaps a grave-robber, say that Jesus was risen does not suggest the standard of proof required by scientific inquiry, especially as the gospel is clear that they told no one.
The other gospels have various different and inconsistent accounts about the appearances of the risen Jesus. No historian or scientist could really accept such differing accounts as evidence for Jesus returning from the dead. It is a matter of faith, and faith alone, that Jesus rose from the dead after his crucifixion.
It is mentioned in Quran; Muslims holy book that reflects real God words revelation to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him); that Jesus (peace be upon him) was neither crossed nor killed or died but God raised him up to the Heavens and that he will be back to our earth again. Refer to question below for details.
It would be unreasonable to expect scientific evidence for the existence of Jesus or of almost any other person of antiquity, if by scientific we mean that actual remains or other archaeological evidence has been found. The fact that no such evidence has been found should not be at all surprising.
If we broaden the definition of scientific to include all knowledge independent of the biblical tradition, then there is no evidence that Jesus existed. Here, we have to accept that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. At most, this absence may indicate that the miracles that we ought to find recorded in contemporary records may not have happened as stated in the gospels.
So, there is no scientific evidence that Jesus existed, but on present knowledge it is thought likely that he did.
The ressurection of Jesus, is when he arose from the dead
Jesus arose from the dead on Easter Sunday.
The day Jesus arose from the dead is called Easter.
Because you believe that Jesus died for you and also arose from the dead , then we will have salvation.
It means Jesus is the only reason you can go to heaven i you believe that Jesus died for you and also arose from the dead.
Many may not have believed it, even Thomas doubted that jesus arose from the dead.
The word Easter means ressurection. As Jesus arose from the dead on the third day.
Christians believe that Jesus arose from the dead and sitted on the right hand of god the father.
It isn't stated if there were specific Romans who saw Jesus, but it is possible since large groups of people saw Him.
Mary of Magdala