Read literally, the sole reason for this journey was to let the three disciples see Jesus talking to Moses and Elijah, yet they learnt nothing from the experience and were even instructed to tell no one. In spite of this life-changing event, and its apparently absolute proof that Jesus was the Messiah, Peter went on to deny Jesus. If the Transfiguration ever happened, this shows that whatever faith the apostles had was not confirmed by this experience. It must be that they were less sure of who the strangers were than is suggested in the gospel story - why the disciples even thought the men were Moses and Elijah is not stated.
James John and Peter
Peter, James, and his brother John.
The Apostles Creed is a profession of faith. It is a summary of the main points of the Christian faith.
The Anglican Faith was never formed, it was handed down by Christ to the Apostles before His Death and brought from Jerusalem by Apostles, [ S. Simon Zelotes, ] or Disciples,[ Aristobulus first Bishop of the Briton's,] . It it all made clear in the little quote, 'Revelation of Christ, Recorded in Scripture and confirmed, explained and interpreted by the Holy Fathers in the Seven Councils.'
MAR 9:2 ¶ And six days later, Jesus took with Him Peter and James and John, and brought them up to a high mountain by themselves. And He was transfigured before them;Answer/There were three Apostles with Jesus during the transfiguration - Peter and the sons of Zebedee, being John and James.
When you are confirmed in your faith
The Apostles creed
When you are confirmed in your faith
The Apostles' Creed - 2009 Faith of Our Fathers 1-1 was released on: USA: February 2009
Peter, James, and John were the three apostles chosen by Jesus to lead special events such as the Transfiguration and the raising of Jairus' daughter.
In the Apostolic faith we never get confirmed. So I don't relly understand what you are talking about.
James and John were brothers and the sons of Zebedee. Scholars speculate that Matthew might have initially had a strained relationship with the other Apostles. Judas experienced a phase of diminished trust after he betrayed Jesus. Peter, James and John formed an inner circle. Only they, of the Apostles, witnessed the Transfiguration. Doubting Thomas' faith manifest itself different than that of others at times. For example, he had to experience Jesus wounds in order to validate his faith. At times there were disagreements between the Apostle Paul and Peter. We have little canonical information about the other Apostles at our disposal. For more information please consult Something Sharper than a Two Edged Sword.