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It is religion of monotheism. Followers of Islam worship God as the one and only one God with no partner, no son, no father, no companion, no equivalence.Refer to question below for more information.

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Virgil Connelly

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Q: What are some ideas of Islam?
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What are some television channels which spread the ideas of Islam?

Channels that air to spread the ideas of Islam include the the MWL TV network and the AI RTV network, which is the first Islamic network to air in Russia.

How do you think guru nanaks travels influenced the developement of Sikhism?

i think that Nanak traveled and teach and while he teach some of his ideas blended from hiuism with ideas from Islam and other regions. over time,these teachings were explained and expanded by nine other gurus.

What ideas did the Muslims borrow from the Jew's and Christin's?

Islam, Christianity and Judaism are known as the Abrahimic religions. They all have similar ideas as they have the same God. Islam believes in Jesus and Moses, but ideas were not borrowed. Islam kept religion as it is, whereas Christianity and Judaism changed their religions to suit society, which is why they seem so different to Islam today. The problem with this would be that they are human laws and are therefore, inevitably not going to be perfect.

What are the distinguishing features of each of the major Islamic sects?

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Who merged ideas of Islam with the Greek philosophers teachings?

socrates (: - LaPorchea Dnyghi .

How did Islam continue to spread in Arabia?

By the way people began to listen to his ideas

What are 3 ideas of western that were embraced by Islam?

Breathing, eating, praying (but to the wrong god)

Discuss theological developments within Islam during the Abbasid Empire?

Some religious developments within Islam during the Abbasid Empire were the resurgence of mysticism and religious scholars growing increasingly suspicious of and hostile to non-Islamic ideas and scientific thinking.

Why did Michael Jackson change his religion to Muslim?

He adopted his name when he joined the Nation of Islam (which was sort of a different sect of Islam at the time. They had accepted their leader, Elijah Muhammad, as the Messiah/Mahdi, and had some racist ideas as well.), but he converted to Islam in 1975 when Elijah died and his son, Warith Deen Muhammad, took control of the Nation of Islam and reformed it to more mainstream Islam (including rejection of Elijah as God on Earth, rejection of racism, closer ties to the Muslim community, and the Five Pillars of Islam). Muhammad Ali attributes his conversion to this shift toward Islam by the Nation. Perhaps he realized that Islam was much better than the ideas of Elijah. Hope that helps.

Where do our ideas about a religion like Islam come from?

It depends on where information is taken from. There's a lot of misinformation, misinterpretation from many who have not explored the religion. Of course there always will be bias anytime these "ideas" come from some of those who do not adhere to the religion. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and that should raise eyebrows. The reason is simple. The people that become Muslims dig into it with a clean heart, not with bias. The purpose of their search is to try to understand Islam, not to demonize it. In Islam, Allah said that it is He who turns the hearts. There's a lot to learn from Islam for those who are sincere but many will demonize it and yet are ignorant of its content. And there are those who use it as a mean to satisfy their political or ideological agenda knowing that their foes are ignorant of what Islam is. Unfortumately, this where many ideas of the tarnished image of Islam comes from as well as centuries of the rejection of this new rapidly expanding religion by other religions who saw it a popularity threat to their own religion. Ideas - they depend on where you get them but like anything else, I would recommend to get them at the source.

What book contains the fundamentalized ideas of Islam?

The holy book Quran and prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Sunnah (sayings and practices) contain the fundamental ideas and rules of Islam.

What religious and moral ideas helped shape the civilizations of India and China?

Islam religion can help