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This will certainly be a question that will get many viewpoints, because it is a thought provoking question. I personally believe very much in the existance of God. In fact, I call on him in prayer, using his personal name, Jehovah, as revealed in The Bible. So I am obviously going to comment on this from the perspective that he is real and is even concerned with our welfare. Notice the illustration the Bible uses when it says,"Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but he that constructed all things is God."-Romans 3:4 This is a very simple and logical illustration. When you look at the tremendous order of the universe, wisdom and intellegence are evident. Notice what one scientist had to say about this order: �The natural laws of the universe are so precise that we have no difficulty building a spaceship to fly to the moon and can time the flight with the precision of a fraction of a second. These laws must have been set by somebody.� �Quoted from Wernher von Braun, who had much to do with sending American astronauts to the moon Here are some quotes from the book "Reasoning From the Scriptures," published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society( "Planet Earth: When crossing a barren desert, if you came to a beautiful house, well equipped in every way and stocked with food, would you believe that it got there by some chance explosion? No; you would realize that someone with considerable wisdom built it. Well, scientists have not yet found life on any of the planets of our solar system except the earth; available evidence indicates that the others are barren. This planet is, as the book The Earth says, �the wonder of the universe, a unique sphere.� (New York, 1963, Arthur Beiser, p. 10) It is at just the right distance from the sun for human life, and it moves at just the right speed to be held in orbit. The atmosphere, of a kind found only around the earth, is made up of just the right proportion of gases to sustain life. Marvelously, light from the sun, carbon dioxide from the air, and water and minerals from fertile soil combine to produce food for earth�s inhabitants. Did it all come about as a result of some uncontrolled explosion in space? Science News admits: �It seems as if such particular and precise conditions could hardly have arisen at random.� (August 24 and 31,�1974, p. 124) The Bible�s conclusion is reasonable when it states: �Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but he that constructed all things is God.��Heb. 3:4. "Human brain: Modern computers are a product of intensive research and careful engineering. They did not �just happen.� What about the human brain? Unlike the brain of any animal, the brain of a human infant triples in size during its first year. How it functions is still largely a mystery to scientists. In humans, there is the built-in capacity to learn complex languages, to appreciate beauty, to compose music, to contemplate the origin and meaning of life. Said brain surgeon Robert White: �I am left with no choice but to acknowledge the existence of a Superior Intellect, responsible for the design and development of the incredible brain-mind relationship�something far beyond man�s capacity to understand.� (The Reader�s Digest, September 1978, p. 99) The development of this marvel begins from a tiny fertilized cell in the womb. With remarkable insight, the Bible writer David said to Jehovah: �I shall laud you because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, as my soul is very well aware.��Ps. 139:14. "Living cell: A single living cell is sometimes referred to as being a �simple� form of life. But a one-celled animal can catch food, digest it, get rid of wastes, build a house for itself and engage in sexual activity. Each cell of the human body has been likened to a walled city, with a central government to maintain order, a power plant to generate energy, factories to produce proteins, a complex transportation system, and guards to regulate what is permitted to enter. And a single human body is made up of as many as 100 trillion cells. How appropriate the words of Psalm 104:24: �How many your works are, O Jehovah! All of them in wisdom you have made�!" I believe very strongly that the creation around us, and we ourselves, all strongly testify as to God's existence, and his power. All conjectures, no proofs. Quick definitions (conjecture)noun: reasoning that involves the formation of conclusions from incomplete evidence Even if true, every reason that has been given for the existence of God could just as equally apply to Ahura Mazda, Brahma, P'an Ku, Nut or any other creator god. So, if we ever found proof that there was a creator god, we would still have to find a way to decide which god it was. God's existance has already been proven. People just refuse to believe the evidence

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Even if true, every reason that has been given for the existence of God could just as equally apply to Ahura Mazda, Brahma, P'an Ku, Nut or any other creator god. So, if we ever found proof that there was a creator god, we would still have to find a way to decide which god it was.

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