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Q: What countries have popes come from?
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What country have most of the Popes come from?

The vast majority of popes have been Italian. As of February of 2013 there have been only 18 popes from other countries.

How many popes have come from Italy?

196 popes have come from Italy.

Which two countries have provided the most popes?

Italy and France have provided the most popes.

From where did the popes come?

. Popes are elevated from the College of Cardinals. .

Who did the popes come in conflict when the popes tried to increase their power?

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How many popes are European?

There have been at least 3 popes from Africa and several popes from Asia, including Saint Peter. Pope Francis is the first pope from the Americas. However, the vast majority have been European. For additional information on the countries of origin of the popes click here.

Where did Pope Gregory come from?

There have been 16 popes named Gregory. Please be specific.

What do the popes do to elect a new pope?

Popes do not elect popes. Popes are elected by the cardinal electors.

What is the second country to contribute the most popes to the Vatican?

There have been 17 popes from France, the second behind Italian popes.

Who is the pope of Afghanistan?

There is only one pope and he rules the Church from the Vatican. In 2014 that pope is Pope Francis. Individual countries do not have popes.

Who is the pope of Norway?

There is only one pope and he rules the Church from the Vatican. In 2014 that pope is Pope Francis. Individual countries do not have popes.

What is the name of the pope of Canterbury?

Individual countries do not have their own popes. There is but one pope for the entire world and that is currently (2013) Pope Francis.