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The locals used what is called a shekel. But there must have been Roman coins and money due to the fact that the Roman Empire had control of the area in the first century A.D.

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Q: What currency did they use in Bethlehem when Jesus was born?
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How do you use Bethlehem in a sentence?

The baby Jesus was born in Bethlehem.

What currency did they use in palastine in the time of Jesus?

Roman currency.

Do you have any pictures of Bethlehem and the stables in the days when Jesus was born?

This isn't a picture website. We do have a few photos, but you can't look up pictures on the site. The way to find images is to use your search engine - type in "Bethlehem stables Jesus" and click on the "images" link at the top of the page.

Why Jesus was born in a cowshed?

We don't know where exactly Jesus was born within Bethlehem. The idea that he was born in a stable is just a myth.

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Mary and Joseph had touse the straw on floor of the stable as a crib.

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A:The synoptic gospels tell us that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in ancient Judea, which forms part of the modern Palestinian territory called the West Bank. The Palestinians regard East Jerusalem as their rightful capital, but for the time being use Ramallah as a de facto capital city.

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Christ was born in Bethlehem, in a manger, which is what farm animals eat out of. He slept in it his first night on earth, because noone would let Mary and Joseph, Jesus's parents, sleep at their house for the night. Everyone but the person who let them use his barn.

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Was jesus born in a stable a lower room or a hotel?

Mary and Joseph traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem and were turned away from the village inn by the innkeeper. They took refuge in a barn, where baby Jesus was born and laid in a manger. A very early church tradition says the site of the nativity was a cave near Bethlehem.The Biblical story of the birth of Jesus is found primarily in Luke 2.AnswerThe only evidence we have that Jesus was born in a 'stable' is Luke's account which stated that after Jesus was born he was 'laid in a manger because there was no room in the inn'. In Biblical times stables or barns id not exist; animals use for foo or milk ( like goats) were kept in nearby caves or in parts of a communal to room use for living, sleeping and for animals. So, it is likely that Jesus was born in a cave or the poorest part of a house.Incidentally, by the time the wise men arrived, Matthew suggests that Jesus was already a toddler (as Herod killed all the boys 2 years old or younger) and that they visited him in a house, So, by that time Jesus was definitely living in a house.