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Thomas Becket is the patron saint of:
Exeter College, Oxford, England
Portsmouth, England
secular clergy

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Q: What is Saint Thomas Becket the patron saint of?
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Which country's patron saint is Saint Thomas Becket?

Saint Thomas Becket is the patron saint of England. He was the Archbishop of Canterbury in the 12th century and was martyred for his defense of the church's independence from the monarchy.

What is Saint Thomas Beckett the patron saint of?

Saint Thomas Becket is the patron saint of secular clergy, Exeter College, Portsmouth Cathedral, and protection against being struck by lightning.

Was Thomas Becket a missionary saint?

No, Thomas Becket was not a missionary.

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Thomas was the son of Gilbert Becket and his wife Matilda.

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Both Saint Joseph and Saint Peter are the patron saints of the Universal Church.

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There is no specific patron saint of ideas, but St. Thomas Aquinas is often associated with intellect and learning. He is considered a patron saint of students and scholars.

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