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Historical synagogues are those that have a special place in history. So, the first synagogue in any particular country would be classified as historical, as would the oldest surviving synagogue in that country. Good examples would be the Touro Synagogue in Rhode Island, the Rashi Synagogue in Worms and the Old New Synagogue in Prague. Any synagogue where someone historically important would also qualify. So, for example, the Ramban Synagogue in Jerusalem, founded by the great medieval rabbi Nachmanides, would qualify. Ancient synagogues that are now merely archaeological sites are another category that would qualify.

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The word synagogue does not appear in the bible. Synagogues did not exist at the time the bible was written. In the historical period that the bible writes about, Jews worshiped at the temple, not the synagogue.

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Usually a synagogue will have a billboard or signage indicating it is a synagogue.

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According to their website, it appears to be a progressive synagogue.

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How do you use the word synagogue in a sentence?

A synagogue is a place of worship. Here are some sentences.The new synagogue is lovely.They went to the synagogue to pray.We will have our classes in the synagogue.a synagogue is a place of worship so you could say... they prayed in the synagogue.

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The head of the synagogue is the rabbi !

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The plural of synagogue is synagogues.

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The word "synagogue" does not have an antonym.

How do Jewish people worship the synagogue?

No one worships the synagogue itself. God is worshiped in the synagogue.

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Jews do not pray to any living, dead, or historical person.That's probably the main reason that you never see a picture or sculpture of a personinside a synagogue.