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Siddhartha Gautama who reached enlightenment and became know as The Buddha.

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Q: What is the name of the creator of Buddhism?
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Who is the creator of Buddhist?

Siddhartha Gautama is the creator of Buddhism.

Is the religion of Buddhism monothestic or polyeistic?

Buddhism is not about a god or a supreme creator.

What are not Buddhist belief?

Buddhism does not believe in a Supreme Creator.

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In Buddhism, there is no deity who created the universe.

Why is prince shotoku considered the founder of Japanese Buddhism?

Prince Shotoku established Buddhism as the state religion of Japan during his reign. Thus leading to his semi-legendary status as the creator of Japanese Buddhism.

What is the name of the Buddhism god?

Buddha never bothered about God. In fact Buddhism is an atheistic religion like Jainism. Later the followers of Buddha made him a God. Only after Mahayana Buddhism came he was made God. In Hinayana Buddhism Buddha was not a God. There is reference, though, in Buddhist text, to the "First Cause." Since God is the Creator of the universe and all that is therein, then God is the First Cause.

What is the name of the Buddhist god?

Buddhism is a Philosophy. Belief or disbelief in god or deities is not required. see link "Buddhanet Audio" for more answers.

What is one teaching that Buddhist and Hinduism differ?

Hinduism believes in a Creator God, while Buddhism does not.

What was the king's name who spread Buddhism?

Asoka was the name of the king who spread Buddhism.

Name of Buddhism diety?

There is none. The Buddha, and therefore Buddhists, do not believe that the universe was started by and act of any creator deity, and think that any question or postulations on a creator god is worthless. We also do not believe in any infinite lived deities that oversee and guide the universe.

What us the difference between Hinduism and Buddhism?

Hinduism believes in a Supreme Creator, while Buddhism does not. Buddhism also follows the teachings of Buddha, while Hinduism does not, thought they would probably still respect him as a wise individual.

What is Buddhism's name of deity?

There is no deity worshipped in Buddhism