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In Catholic practice, one is baptised as an infant if one is born into the Church, or one is baptised when one joins the Church as an adult, if one had not previously been baptised as a Christian in another Christian faith.

There is no set age for infant baptism, although the 8th day is traditionally significant, as it was the day Jewish infants were circumcised, and baptism replaced circumcision as the sign of the relationship one entered with God as part of his people.

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13y ago

Biblical, after the age of consent, when and so after you accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

In the Catholic faith they also baptize infants, commonly referred to as a


Roman Catholic AnswerAnyone who has not already received Baptism, in an emergency, at any time, can and should receive baptism.
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12y ago

We get baptized when we have the full understanding after salvation

salvation - saved from sin

"The eunuch asked Phillip, "Tell me, about whom does the prophet say this? Is he talking about himself or someone else?" Starting with that passage, Phillip proclaimed the good news about Jesus to him. As they went down the road, they came to some water. The eunuch said, "Look! Water! What would keep me from being baptized?" He ordered the carriage halt. Both Phillip and the enunch went down to the water where Phillip baptized him."

acts 8:34-38

eunuch - a castrated man

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14y ago

Baptism is a sacrament that is usually performed by a priest or deacon, but in emergencies it can be performed by any lay person as long as the form is correct. The words that are necessary are "I baptize you (name) in the name of the Father & of the Son & of the Holy Spirit." At a baptismal ceremony there is holy water as well as chrism to anoint the person, in the case of an emergency baptism only water is required, it can be tap water although if holy water is available that would be better.

There are also two other kinds of baptism, baptism of desire and baptism by blood. Baptism of desire--an example, let's say a non-christian/ catholic was in an accident and had no opportunity to be baptized before they died, but they had a true and sincere desire for Christ. The other kind of baptism- by blood. Let us also use an example of a non-Christian/Catholic who has a desire for Christ but they are martyred before they can get baptized with water. They are baptized by their blood and we believe since they died for the Christian faith that they are saved.

For more information you can read this webpage- below is the address.

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13y ago

It depends on the church. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) get baptized at 8 years old or after, and some other religions do it at birth.

Roman Catholic AnswerIn Christianity, since Apostolic times, people have been baptised when they enter the Church. If they are infants they are baptised when their parents come into the Church or shortly after birth if their parents are already Catholic.
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15y ago

You can receive baptism anywhere, but it is prefered that you receive it in a church at the hands of a priest.

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14y ago

During Mass between the homily and the recitation of the Creed (which is replaced with the renewal of Baptismal promises)

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at any time that u feel that u are ready.

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Who do you receive at baptism?

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Every person not yet baptized is able to receive Baptism.

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What sacraments must you receive in order to be confirmed?

Baptism. Ordinarily to be confirmed you would also receive Penance and Eucharist first. But it is possible to receive Confirmation next after Baptism, as in the Rite of Christian Initiation.

Is it necessary to undergo water baptism to receive baptism of the holy spirit?

No. A water baptism is to only publicly announce your choice to follow Christ. To receive salvation you must take Jesus into your. Admit your a sinner and Confess He is your salvation.

What do luthrens get when baptized?

They usually will receive a Bible after baptism.

Can a believer receive the baptism of the holy ghost without being sanctified?

No with out Repentance and Water Baptism in Jesus name you can not Receive the Holy Ghost Acts 2:38

Did Jesus receive the Holy Ghost after his water baptism?

Yes he did .

Why is Baptism the Sacrament of all Sacraments?

Roman Catholic AnswerBecause without Baptism, you can not validly receive any of the other sacraments.

Who receive's baptism?

Only christians who want to follow in the path of Jesus s way and want a change in their lives take baptism.