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The last prophet is the person recognised by a given religion as the final revelation of God (or the gods). There is usually something qualitatively different about this final prophet, beyond the fact that he was chronologically last.

For example, the most recent prophet acknowledged by the Jews was Malachi; there has not been another prophet since. But he is not really a Last Prophet in this final sense, because the Jews believe there is still a future prophet, the Messiah, to come.

In Christianity the final prophet is Jesus. There cannot be another after him or greater than him because he is the sin-bearer who brings ultimate reconciliation with God. In Christianity, no greater work than this is possible. All previous prophets look forward to the death of Jesus, and all theology since has looked backwards to it.

In Islam the final prophet is Mohammed. He brought the Qur'an, which Muslims believe to be a perfect and uncorrupted book. There is no need for additional prophets since they would only be repeating what the Qur'an already says.

In Sikhism the final "prophet" is Guru Gobind Singh. He edited the definitive version of the Sikh holy book, the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, which takes the place of the prophets. Again, subsequent gurus would only be repeating what the Granth Sahib says, so they are not really needed.

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11y ago
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13y ago

Malachi was the last of the Old Testament prophets. He probably prophesied during the time of spiritual chaos during Nehemiah's absence. Little is known about Malachi other than he lived and labored during the times of Ezra and Nehemiah.

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10y ago

God chose Abraham to be His Prophet around 2200 BC. God confirmed this selection by appearing to Abraham (Tavrat: Genesis 18:1) and speaking to him directly (Genesis 12:1-3), and also revealing about Abraham's selection to others (Genesis 20:7) supernaturally.

This prophetic selection and inspiration continued through Isaac and later Jacob consecutively. Both of them were the descendants of Abraham. For both of them the same pattern of divine confirmation, like in the case of Abraham, followed. Both were visited by God and both were spoken to directly by God and the selection of God in both cases was also revealed to others supernaturally!

Then the divine selection for prophethood paused for almost four hundred years.

Four hundred years later around 1400 BC God chooses another man, who was also a descendant of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob, by the name Moses to be His Prophet. Here too we see the same pattern of confirmation of divine selection. Moses was visited by God (Exodus 33:23) and spoken to by God (Exodus 33:11) and that selection was also revealed to others (Tavrat: Numbers 12:5-8) supernaturally. In addition to these confirmations Moses was given the power to do verifiable and objective miracles (Tavrat: Deuteronomy 34:11-12).

This divine prophetic selection and inspiration continued through the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for about a thousand years.

Then the divine selection for prophethood had another pause for about another four hundred years.

Four hundred years later, God chose a man whom He named Jesus (Injeel: Matthew 1:21) and whose birth itself was a divine miracle (Injeel: Luke 1:30-35)! Even this Jesus was also born as the descendant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Matthew 1:1-16). The same pattern of the confirmation of the divine selection in his case too followed. Jesus saw God face to face and spoke to Him directly (Injeel: John 1:18). His selection was also revealed to others supernaturally (Matthew 17:5). He was given the power to do verifiable and objective miracles (Injeel: Acts 2:22).

In addition to the above authentications Jesus lived a life that was without sin (Injeel: 1Peter 2:22) unlike any other person or prophet, and existed even before his birth on this planet (John 1:1,14)! Previous Prophets spoke about and pointed to Him (Luke 24:27; Acts 3:20-26). He claimed exclusivity which no other Prophet ever dared to claim (John 14:6; Revelations 22:13). He was sent by God to mankind last of all the Prophets (Mark 12:6).

The Bible teaches that Jesus is greater than the greatest...

  1. He is greater than John the Baptist: Lk.3:16
  2. He is greater than Jonah: Matt.12:41
  3. He is greater than Solomon: Matt.12:42
  4. He is greater than David: Matt.22:43-45
  5. He is greater than Moses: Heb.3:1-6
  6. He is greater than Abraham: Jn.8:56 (cf.Heb.7:4)
  7. He is greater than Melchizedek: Heb.7:3,24-25

Jesus' life and teachings set the highest and best moral standard for all humanity for all times. One of the well known teachings of Jesus which he himself practiced can be found in Jesus' own words: You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. 'But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous(Matthew 5:43-45). No one could improve on the standard He preached and practiced in the past two thousand years of human history!

From the advent of this unique person called Jesus the Messiah the divine prophetic selection and inspiration continued only through the spiritual descendants of Abraham, who are called the apostles, for about a hundred more years until the whole purpose of God has been revealed and recorded for the humanity.

After that the divine selection for prophethood stopped. But many so-called prophets or messiahs or messengers or manifestations of God have been showing up every now and then only to confirm the prophetic utterance of Jesus Christ that was given two thousand years ago, "For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect." (Matthew 24:24)

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15y ago

I'm guessing that it was John, the author of Revelation.

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9y ago

The last prophet mentioned in the bible is John the baptist (New Testament).

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13y ago

The last prophet mentioned in the bible is John the Baptist.

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12y ago

As the "End Time" as you say has not yet arrived we do not know who the last prophet will be at the time of the comming of Christ.

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12y ago

St. John the Apostle.

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